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Since the beginning of the attack on Ukraine, Russian invaders have been called 'orcs', because of their cruelty and all the atrocities they have done (and, let's face it, Putin's Russia is an evil empire). 

I was inspired by this video from the first days of the war (warning: a lot of profanities in Polish and Ukrainian, but no bodies) of a UKR soldier who describes himself as "50% Ukrainian, 25% Polish, 25% Jewish", and his beautifully delivered iconic line at 01:17 "beating ruskies is f****** pleasure, not work".

So here's my interpretation of this in the fantasy world. Because I wanted the same gesture I drew in the picture, the dwarf model is split into 2 parts, with his gloved hand printed separately (supportless, as in one of the photos). Let me know if this works for you.

Get the dwarf and 3 dead orcs (including one pigorc) in the repository, one of the orcs is also on TV and Printables.

Thank you for your support. 




Not a fan of the dehumanization of any human, no matter if they are Russian or otherwise, so I don't like the term orcs used for humans and I am a bit disappointed. Although the models look good.


I understand - so wasn't I, and two months ago I would totally agree, but the lines were crossed, evil must be called evil. It's the soldiers I'm aiming at, not ordinary citizens. I know I am biased because I have lived in the shadow of that primitive, inhuman empire all my life, before and after the fall of USSR.


I have a few requests: Highland Cattle (with Hill giant riders) Dwarf riders, who can ride on your boars