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The Fountain Square attracts a number of peculiar characters. There's the elven minstrel rehearsing her songs and stories. That tall hooded creature wagging its tail is said to be an acolyte of some lizard-god cult, but he once tried to sell me an ostrich egg saying it was a dragon's, so I'd be careful. The dwarf  blackmith's shop is in another district, but he somehow appears by the fountain whenever the elf minstrel is here. And see that horned one sneaking by? I call her "thiefling", she never was caught red-handed, but only because she wears gloves.

Get all the supportless miniatures in the repository, the fountain is also on Thingiverse

Here's a  roadmap for the coming months: October is all kinds of evil horned fellas and undead wraiths. And November is pirate month, meaning each model will have a pirate variant.

Thank you for your support!
