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***I replaced the files with the correct versions, the earlier upload had inside faces causing slicing problems!***

I know you didn't ask for this, but, well, nobody did. 

But it had to be done.

The CoronaBeholder is a particularly nasty floating bag of eyeballs. Now, it can't transmit any diseases via droplets because it doesn't have a nose to sneeze. Just don't touch its spike proteins, except with the tip of your sharp magic sword, or a well aimed fireball. So get your company together and kick those teeth in. 

The supportless model is up on Thingiverse and both this and a spikeless beholder are in the repository. There's no square base version because it doesn't seem necessary.

I never intended to make a Beholder, because I just don't like them, and there are tons of them available to print, but once I saw the images of the SARS-CoV-2, I had to quickly whip out one. It was also nice to have a break from bipeds.

Back to non-human characters shortly. 




Man, I printed this and it looks amazing even before cleaning. The only thing I'd modify is make bigger teeth instead of the thin ones it has now so it looks better when printed with big extrusror. Everything else perfect, no supports required at all.


I had to turn on Z-hop in order to finish this print, but it was totally worth it.Thanks dude!