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The drive address changes each month with the first release of the month. This post will always hold the current drive address:


Please do not share this link with anybody, mmmkay? If there's any problem with download, let me know! 

Thank you for your support!



how to get older modular models?

Zachary Bustamante

Goliaths with be really cool, maybe a leader goliath to go with them, Love your posts!


Hi, I want this item:




Hi! follow the link and you'll find the model in folder Older STLs/NPCs and Heroes/

William W. Connors

Oh! More of these, please! Just delightful!

Aaron Bucher

any hints to where the "Centaur male with spear" would be located

Battle Ready Crows

Would be really cool to see something akin to a Shivan Zombie, a Desolation Angel, a Phyrexian Negator, and a Flame-tongue Kavu. :3

Abel Tomkinson

I appreciate all of your hard work and creativity. My daughter and I have been having a splendid time printing some of the free files we found on Thingiverse, and wanted to support you.

Lamons Zorro

Very awesome work! I also was enjoying the free prints from thingiverse so much that I had to come and give my support! And also get more great models of course :)


How I can find devil with bow from 1 september 2020?I tryu to find name on post but with no results. BriteMinis you could add name of figure. It's hard to find by date. Especially when someone like me join 3 year later


Newermind about ranger. I found it :). It was hard but I found it "Tiefling_ranger"


Is there a fully assembled version of each for us folks who are terrible at gluing models together?


Oh, I myself glued together only a couple of my fingers, it's not that bad. Do you think a preassembled version for resin printing should be an option?


Hey there, does anybody know where I can find the stl file called "female_assasin"

Rasmus Bækgaard

My son and i just finished reading the hobbit, now we can play with some easily printed miniatures thanks to your work. Thank you

Mark English

These miniatures are amazing! I am a longtime DM and a new 3D printer hobbiest and these open the door so much to interesting and visually stunning possibilities! Thank you for your hard work!

David Farcus

The zip file for Hoplite_Spear01 has the wrong stl files in it. It has Spear01, Spear02_rb, and spear02_sb in it.

David Farcus

the other file is wrong too. I moved them after extraction...I thought we had two copies of the one and none of the other. All good...


What are the chances of some tree models or at least stumps? More scatter terrain models in general would be great.

Douglas A Brundin Jr

Love the minis! I subscribed so I can make my frostgrave warband + monsters and it looks like you have most (or all) of the frostgrave series of monsters. Thanks so much.

Russ V

Love your models bro! As soon as I have something painted that does your work justice, I will post some pictures.

Robert Salters

Happy to be part of the community now. @briteminis any chance I can get you on as a guest to my Youtube channel?


I can't seem to find "goblin_defensive_01" from the images folder, what's it called?


Love your minis! Congrats on your awesome work!

evan miller

so yhe horse with the legs and the half bod was brilliant. are you thinking of converting some of your characters to half bod so we can mount those, and maybe some different knda mounts ( ie, wolves lizards)


Yes, will be doing half bodies for different classes so that they can be used with mounts. Other mounts planned as well.


Mate, I dropped TF this month in favour of your models, TF are cool yes, but the retro vibe on these, the scale fits perfectly with 28mm board games, and they are super easy to print, ive just popped them onto a standard Heroquest base and already ive printed more of your models in the 2 weeks since i found the thingyverse account, than i have in 5 months of supporting Titan Forge.

Tobias Mrosek

Hi there, i just want to say that the first minis i printed on my 3d-Printer were those 3 skeletons from thingiverse and even if my print settings was not up to the task. I was amazed by the detail! thanks for giving me this unbelievable moment! Hope to get many more miniatures from you as a patreon.


Just found you as I was looking for another designer that created support-free minies! Keep up the amazing work!

David Eitelsebner

Hi, I love the retro style of your minis, amazing! I have a "feature"-request: Can you maybe add folders to your repository named after months, containing all releases for that month? If I am looking for some releases of a previous month its harder to find the models in the "older STL" folder. Thank you, and keep up the amazing work - I love the new (half)-orcs :)


Hi! Actually I'm finishing a website that will feature an online catalogue of all the minis with their filenames so that they can be easily found.


yet again, outstanding models for 28mm gaming, im going to print a few horses for use in battlemasters.!! :)


now i need some mummies, and remakes of Night Horrors http://solegends.com/citc/c018nighthorrors/198611fc18NightHorrorsx-01.jpg

Enrique Avalos

Your art is very cool and the prints look so classic and fit into many of my games. Thank you for your work.

Ceri Evans

I've had a better success rate with your minis on my photon zero than anything else. Its a joy to not have to run any supports and the clean up is dramatically reduced. Keep it up! Off to print some gnolls..

Chris Fretwell

My first printed mini was from here as well. For me it was a samurai. I have six of that specific one now, as it has become my 'benchy'.

David Elfpunsher

Hi from France. I just registered to your Patreon , finaly found a perfect Jabberwocky for Unmatched :) good work for all the figs ! cheers


Huge fan of your work, your free models have more than most could ever need, but I saw a patreon exclusive I wanted and I didn't think twice about the subscription

evan miller

i wish to apologize for previous posts. to much sugar, i do have a list of thingsi would like to se though. i will give list now a little more readable. : chariots, Ahigaru, vikings, a conan like barbarbian, centaurs, different mounts wolves camels, pegasus, birds, and chickens, yuan-ti or naga, loxodon, leonine, ant-men wasp men, thank you it is the best 5$ i spend

Bueno Bueno

hello! I'd like to thank you for making these great minis that are easy to print and look so detailed. Since i found your page on thingiverse my printer has not stopped running! I just signed up for your patreon (this is my first time on patreon) and i'm not entirely sure how to get the files that aren't available on thingiverse (i've downloaded almost everything from there already).

Bueno Bueno

yes it does. i think i started figuring it out, tried to download the entire collection and it didn't work lol

Bueno Bueno

wish there were images/previews of the files in the google drive though


alas, gdrive doesn't generate previews, however you can use the catalogue at briteminis.com as a reference.

Bueno Bueno

That's exactly what I'm doing :) thanks. Honestly I'll probably end up downloading all of it over time. Quick question, do all the mounted units fit on any of the mounts? (horses, wolf, boar, etc)

evan miller

the snake guys look great. thank you


Your minis are great. I've printed all of the free ones on my Ender 3 so far without a single problem. Really added a lot of value to our games. Thanks!

Donald Titmus

Hi you considered doing some of the old style minis from the chaos army, like the one made by the games workshop in the 90's

Donald Titmus

Thanks that is great. I like the evil minis

Donald Titmus

Can you please tell me where the notice board model is?

Donald Titmus

Thanks, Love your models that I have printed so far 4 printers running working on your stuff.

John Fredin

yes this pushed me over the edge to sign up for Patreon also :)


Love your minis! Any plans for some skeleton animals/monsters? The skeles are my faves. Also, I found the staff on the dark elf sorcerer to be really fragile and broke coming off the printing plate, any chance to beef up the staff? Cheers!

David Adams

Some fantastic stuff there, great work, thank you. Needs more Halflings though 😁


Hi, I'm new to Patreon & 3D printing. Thank you very much for the support free mini's that you have done. Once I get some printed & painted I'll post them for you to see.


I appreciate and love the free minis posted on thingiverse. Large variety and quality out of your total works. I use a resin printer and am terrified of supports and print failures. These work excellently. I am glad to support you further and pay for what I've already gotten more than enough free value out of.

Fredrik Axelsson

Just wanted to leave a comment saying that your minis are great. I've downloaded a bunch and printed on my Ender 3 v2. They look great.


im so glad your work exists, love it, prints great on my ender 3 when i just wanna blast off some easy mins that look good without going through all the work with my resin printers

Michael Ingraham

Thank you for these minis. They print great.

Ariston Collander

New to the group and absolutely love the minis! I've been pretty happy with the results printing them on a Creality CR-6 SE, and will continue to fine tune. Looking forward to future releases!

Austin Lobel

Is there a way you could make a drider? I have always wanted to play with one but everyone I found is very fine detail. Thank you for everything you do!

Calvin Groves

Your minis are great! I'm printing a bunch at a smaller scale for a board game, and have a question about the riders/mounts. Because I'm printing them smaller, the piece that get put together don't work as well. Is there a good way to combine them back to the full piece? The horseman rider prints great, but I'm looking to have a variety of riders. Thanks!


interesting, the rider doesn't fit the saddles? Are they scaled uniformly?

Calvin Groves

Haha no, they scale perfectly! I'm printing everything at 40% scale - it loses some detail, but works well for my purposes. The legs do fit on the saddle, but the problem with the riders is the top of the legs and the bottom of the torso get all blobby and don't look like a rider!

Michael Ingraham

Love the minis. Any chance of a Fire Giant mini showing up?

Calvin Groves

Switched it up and printed at 50% - and added more to the bed to give things a chance to cool, and now the split minis work like a charm. Thank you!

Daniel Vesely

Great job!!! printet several minies so far and looks great !

Roondar Raulnor

I'm your newest fan, have been working on printing up an Orc warband, but can't wait to really start to build my mini collection with your amazing work.

Владислав Зимин

Hello! You are amasing modeller! I am large fn od D&D, and love this Minies. I am printing it on Wanhao D12 with custom Head, and it works brilliant!

Malte Kamps

I love the style of your minis. I am honest, I just had to cheat on my Ender 3 and printed them in Resin - with splendid results. Thanks!


Loving the style of your minis, reminds of me of 3rd edition WFB. Any chance of getting more variations of existing sculpts in the way of a couple of head swaps each month to add variety for rank & file games?

Georgi Hristov

Btw, for people who miss a few releases, what is the best way to catch up? So far I've been downloading the whole thing over and over again, but that's too cumbersome and I don't want to search and check a dozen models one by one.


With the first release of the month previous models are moved to category folders in Older STLs folder. Contents of the folders can be sorted by modification date.


I love your models, do you think you could make an ent?

Johan Vad-Nielsen

I also just wanted to say that i really love your work. I scale your models to 18mm scale and boy do they look great at this scale! Also they print effortless on FDM even at this scale. Thank you!


this is what i was wondering too, thanks.

Donald Titmus

Any chance of chaos / demonic minis

Storm Cabbit

what happened to rabbitfolk?

Daemon Slye

I don't see a link to download files?

Sabrina Goodpaster

Thank you! Your work is amazing, and as someone who prints minis on FDM they are true gold. :)

Jamie Macdonald

I wish Troll2 could have been one model. Maybe his right hand scratching his belly. Still wonderful models.

Wayne Michael Rogers

So happy to join this Patreon! One question...is the Modular Folder missing anything? Its only got a few pieces in each and a torso with no head?