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Testing overhangs and wall thickness on new upcoming models.




I'm assuming you're making the shield come out from the leg? Otherwise all I could see as a possible issue is the tabard/skirt of the left goblin & the chin/ears. The one on the right looks like it's mostly 45-90 from zero so should be fine. You could probably cut down on the print time with some thinner bases. One thing I find with RPG's supportless stuff is that you still need infill or internal supports on the base because they have rocks & other features on their thicker bases that cause issues with no/low infill. IMO if they're going to put features on it, then their lowest points should be within 2mm of the base, so that the 5ish vertical shells cover it.


Yes, the shield leans against the leg. In Cura you can use the Support Blocker function (screenshot taken before I used it) to block the bases and apply different speed & infill settings, to reduce the print time.