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Hola Amigos! Our Lady this week is a bit different! but yet she is an amazon.. a strong giant dominant amazon! ;)

this weekend's comic is a commission by my friend Lewis i hope you will like it guys!

anyway just to keep everyone updates i will be publishing a futa comic during the middle of the next week.. (not considered as a regular update of course) you gonna meet Sister Payne! another character of my buddy DCHoodman!

also Yolanda futa comic is being texted by Steelblazer & Pupetta is being texted by both lilguy and cee666 so there will be some BIG extra updates soon! :)

also i'm working on a growth comic that will be considered as a bonus update too..  

i know some Patrons aren't into futa or growth and they have the RIGHT to have their regular weekly updates! ;)



John Alamo

Can you add the zip for the renders ?

Waru Suza

Great! Hope the next stories could have a black or asian lady. She reminded me one of the stories from Piltikitron.