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I'm going to be posting some sound design tutorial soon on this plugin but I wanted to make you guys a little introductory video to Minimal Audio's Current.

It's a brand new synth and I haven't seen anything like it on the market. There's still a lot that I'm figuring out, but I wanted to give you guys this walkthrough to help give you a basic overview of the plugin before diving into the sound design tomorrow.

BTW, this synth is FREE for the next 30 days via minimal audios website and no they did not sponsor this video, I just think it's an amazing plugin and I'm excited to sound design in it!


Christopher James Sullivant

ALSO once you purchase the plugin they do have a better tutorial series/manual available but I made this video for my mentees over the weekend so I figured I would share before diving into the sound design sessions so you can watch this as a precursor!