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Hey y'all, 

The really exciting thing about this Patreon is that it's brand new and we are a small community! 

I'm excited to keep growing but my main concern at the moment is helping you guys and creating content that you all want to see :) 

Anytime you guys have a suggestion or something you may want to see put together - don't hesitate to reach out!



I was thinking maybe track feedback for those of us that have any WIPs or full tracks we'd like an opinion on? This would fs take up a lot of your time but would be a dope addition!

Christopher James Sullivant

I'll see if I can find out a solution to make something like this a thing where it's all streamlined through Patreon. For now, I would say you can always submit demos to sullypromo@gmail.com - I'll for sure keep the Patreon updated on any platform updates with something like this integrated into it.


new to the patreon! some really awesome content :)