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Nave "the Silver Shade" was a Narn Pirate Queen with a heart of gold. She was known from the Comaxi Dominion to the Quo'ran Republic for her carnage and benevolence. Was she a former pleasure girl? An orphan? A descendant of Narn Pharaohs? None could say where the platinum blonde reaver came from.

She caught the attention of the Systems Lords, and many courted her for service. She spat on and defied their requests, choosing to raid their commercial operations. It seemed she'd sooner die than be a lackey to those scum.

Lord Soddorom had plenty of lackeys but could always make room for more pets. So when the Pirate Queen was surrounded by the Marogi fleet, she was poised to receive the death in battle she desired. But when given a choice to surrender so that her crew could survive, that heart of icarium ("space gold") got the better of her. Soddorom knew the one condition in which she would obey and exploited it. Now--per Narn slaving tradition, Nave shares the name of her Master and acts according to Soddorom's desire. 

After all, his agents know where each her former crew lives. As each of their escape craft was tracked.




Loving all the backstories to these girls. Hope we get a group shot of all the girls with Yuki in the harem and/or surrounding their master on his throne