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Hello all, how are you?

Sigh, so I took some time to catch up on content, mostly writing (gotta make sure there is content to make soon). I'll let all of you know delays are my fault.

You ever download a bunch of big things at once and notice how each one is making the other slower? That's kinda what's happening. Everyone in my cast and crew has delivered everything on time, edits, lines, incidentals, artwork, everything.

On the plus side, it means you'll be getting a lot of these relatively close together:

Yuki Episode 3: Soddorom's Slave (the Patreon version will be longer than the public version).

POV #2: Prisoner.

Bone-Us #2: Space Marine Biology.

And Yuki Episode 4: Exes and Foes.

Stay tuned.


Peter T

I cant wait.


Wow I had no idea so much was being worked on in the background!