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First five minutes, wouldn't call this a preview, not yet. Some timing has to be hashed, a few extra vocals or SFX to be added. New music by OZU.

Also, I've created a new Space Pirate channel in the discord. Check it out, I'm preparing some material for our next poll (yes, material for a poll, I'm cooky like that).






I've honestly been waiting for an episode to focus on Yuki's life as a slave. Its already clear she's not broken from her situation but I won't lie I enjoy how she's playing along with role until opportunity arrives. Its honestly a refreshing change compared to how often the slave girl is quiet, afraid, or resisting. It just speaks more of her character's approach to when she gets herself into these jams. Personally I hope there will be more added to the dancing segment. That little bit was alright but it doesn't paint a strong image in my mind of how she debased herself before Soddorom's crowd. The only other thing I'm wondering is what pray tell happened to Dancer and Yuki's ship? I assume Soddorom's men impounded or confiscated it since its original owner is now a slave girl to the planet's big boss