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Starting in 2024, we've decided to make the following two changes to make things a little less confusing for new fans as well as catalog community commissions more easilly and complete them in a timely manner, whilst also in the process preventing artist burnout/stress: 


- All community commissions (including the delayed ones) will now be put/catagorised into 1 ongoing list (which we have dubbed "The List"), stating all the community commissions in the works at the moment, with new characters being periodically added on, based on/via the polls for with the next community voted characters which are voted/chosen by you Fans ^^. (With a maximum of 10 community commissions/characters being on it at a time)


- We decided to do this since calling community commissions delayed/adding to that particular list started feeling a bit redundant, since the number of pages/quality of each/per community commission have dramatically increased since we first started, and are no longer possible to have done/completed within a month nor do we wish to pressure/rush/push any of our artists to try do so.

- A good example of us changing since we first started can be given with the fan favourite artist of ours named "Oz", who started off doing 3 page comics for us, which were possible within a month to do, but over time that page count has slowly gone up and now has reached upwards to about 8-9 pages per community commission/comic that we do with him and now take reasonably longer to complete/finish. (which we don't mind since his works are top notch/the best of quality 👌)

and Secondly/Lastly 

- Community Commission Characters able to be voted/chosen from the Polls to be added to the newly made combined list dubbed "The List" has been reduced to 3 (from 4) and Polls may get skipped more often with less hesistation based on the current amount of community commissions on "The List" at that time. 


- We decided to do this in order to try prevent "The List" from getting too big, as each community commission now takes a considerably longer time to complete due to the now higher page count per community commission and we want to maintain the quality of each of those pages without any of them being rushed to get out quicker, nor do we want to spread our team too thin adding too many community commisions to get done to "The List" and risk us falling behind/it pilling up again. With some monthly polls needing to be skipped if "The List" begins to pile up/gets too big (more than 10) possibly due to various unforseen circumstances, in order for us to catch up/get back on schedule. 

Note: We also won't be doing the polls for next month/adding any new characters to "The List" just yet (which is currently at 11) , since we were unable to get as many community commissions done as we'd like this month, due to the holidays/everyones hectic schedule, but hopefully in January we'll be able to catch up/get through more of the list so that we can add to it at the end of the month via a new character poll for 3 additional characters voted upon by you Fans ^^

- In conclusion, we're basically just gettng rid of the delayed community commissions list and combining it with current community commissions list to create one big list dubbed "The List", were we'll also be adding to it based on the polls and reducing the number of characters able to win/be voted for to get a community commission/be added to "The List" down from the current 4 to 3. 

- We hope that you Fans understand these changes and we apologise for any inconviences that may occur due to them and we hope to see you Fans again in 2024, which I'll also be posting the breakdown for tommorow, which will contain some parts of this post as well as what to expect to come next month/year in January 2024.

PS: If you have any questions/concerns regarding any of these changes, feel free to let us know in the comments bellow, were we'll be happy to answer them ^^



If you have any questions/concerns regarding any of these changes, feel free to let us know in the comments bellow, were we'll be happy to answer them ^^


Is it possible for a character to get removed from the list without the commission being finished? There are a few characters currently on the list that have been in the works for months and months now with unknown completion times. I am not saying they should be removed. I was just potentially concerned about super delayed commissions staying on the list forever and not making room for new ones.


ah they're in the works, just not sure when they'll be finished yet, but hopefully soon (but if they stay on there too long I'll take em off and they'll be posted whenever they're ready/finished)