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Terribly sorry for the wait on this announcement, just been very low energy lately due to a certain sickness 😅,

As you Fans may of noticed, from the delay in posts/community commissions, thanks to a bunch of unforseen circumstances regarding some/most of our artists this past month, we're a little behind schedule on alot of the community commissions as well as some personal comics, and after much debating, in order to make it up to you guys and catch up/finish everything we've decided to skip the poll/votes for next month's community commissions, to focus on getting all the delayed commissions completed and ready for you Fan's ASAP.

(With all the events that have happened this past month in March and more to possibly come in April it would probably be best we don't pile them up any higher, as we still don't know if any more unexpected things may occur ^^;)

Don't worry though, there will still be plenty of content coming out next month (in April) in between the wait for our delayed community commissions as well as personal comic commissions, so you can look forward to even more juicy content to come out next month alongside our delayed community commissions 😉

Once we're all caught up (hopefully by the end of April) Community Commission Polls/Votes will resume once again for May, taking place on April 30th

(But this is subject to change, and we may begin the community commission poll for May even earlier in the month (maybe in the middle), depending on how many delayed community commissions we manage to get done by a certain time in April, so we can begin on the new community commissions for May ASAP)

Please note however, while yes, we will be dedicating next month to catching up, that doesn't mean we'll be able to get all the delayed community commissions done by next month (but we hope to get most of them done) as some people may have very different circumstances behind their delays, than others, alongside a myriad of other things 😅.

- We thank you so much again for your support this month, we hope this months community commissions, personal commissions as well as mini comics were to your liking, and we hope to see you again next month in April, were we'll be doing our darn bestest to get as many of the delayed community commissions delivered to you Fans as we can, alongside various other commissions, to help with the wait in between them ^^

PS: I'll also be posting The Breakdown for Next Month alongside this post (straight away) taking into account all the delayed community commissions as well as the usual stuff, which you can take a look at, if your still curious about what'll be happening next month :3

- Also, stay tuned for our usual End of Month Bonus Comic, which will be coming out later today/in a couple hours (31st of March) as usual which we hope you Fans will enjoy ^^



and If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to leave a comment bellow ^^

Austin Durbin

It's been tough I'm sure, but I'm willing to see how next month goes. I'm sure I'm not the only one that is a little uncertain, but I think you're making a good call by just focusing on content. Just try to keep in mind that it did cross my mind to unpledge for a few months, given the rate things were flowing in. I figure if I thought that, there are probably a lot of other people either thinking the same or have done so. I imagine the pressure is on, but you have a good outline. Stick to the plan and I'll stick around to enjoy the content!