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Thank you Fan's so much for being patient, here is the completed Nessa community commission, by "SlimeDrippy" which was supposed to be completed for December, but sadly was delayed due to the artist getting sick for some time, and was unable to work on it during that period, we hope the wait was worth it though! and we hope that you Fans enjoy this piece as much as we do!

He also has his own little patreon, for those who like his artwork, so feel free to check him out as well ^-^, links to his pages are linked bellow as always.

Pixiv:  https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=42679942 

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/SlimeDrippyNSFW 

Patreon:  https://www.patreon.com/SlimeDrippy 

Imgur (for sketches):  https://imgur.com/a/tz6ZbPc

- Again, we thank you for your continued support, stay tuned for our upcoming 6 community commission's (for the month of March), personal commissions (to help with the wait), mini comic's (2 to 3 pages) and also our delayed Albedo community commission (from Feb) , which should also be coming out this month (March) ^^. 

PS: He will also be working on 1 of the community commissions for this month (March), so get hyped for that as well ^^




If your interested in seeing more pages/a part 2 of this piece, feel free to leave a like ^^ and a continuation might be made, at a later date ^^