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Here's the 1st of 2 Poll's detirmining the TSF Forms that you can vote for, detirmining what next months (March) community commissions will be based on.

(I Look forward to finding out what you guys decide the TSF form to be ^-^)

- Please remember to vote on the other Poll as well, detirming the 6 characters for next month's (March) community commissions ^-^

(PS: If enough Patrons re-pledge at the beginning of next month, and we still are over the $1500 threshold, then we will also be having a bonus community commission done by another artist, decided by you Fans, so keep that in mind :3)

- For those wondering why we arn't using the new style of voting for TSF Form's, i've included the reason to why in the note bellow:

Note: Due to growing concerns from our artist's & some fans we have come to the conclusion to use the previous style of voting (for next month's TSF Form), where If a TSF Form (Like Bodyswap, Possession and etc) was voted for last month, they will be excluded from next month's Poll, to give other TSF Forms a chance at being chosen. (Which is why Possession, is excluded from this Poll)