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Thank you for your continued patience, here is a 3 page mini comic personal commission i had done by "Ralvi" involving Lucina switching bodies with an enemy Bandit unit, to help pass the time between community commissions and to help end the month of January with, which i hope you enjoy ^-^! 

Links to the artist's pages are linked bellow:

Instagram:  https://www.instagram.com/ralviariyan/ 

PS: Sadly, the artist doesnt do colour, but if you're interested in colouring this commission (for a reasonable price) feel free to DM me, and we'll talk details.

- Again, we thank you for your continued support, and we hope that you stick around for our last community commission for the month of January as well as personal commissions to help with the wait! ^-^!  

- Also, stay tuned for another version of this Lucina mini comic coming soon made by a different artist ^-^! (It'll also be 3 pages)

(PS: I'll be posting a Poll shortly after this post, which will detirmine how we vote for characters for commuity commisions moving foward)




If this get's enough likes, then i'll be commissioning him to do another mini comic, voted by you Fans ^-^!