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It looks like but next month's winning Theme is "Video Game(s)"! so we'll start by voting in advance (so we can start working on them ASAP) for some of the most commonly known/recent Video Game series that i can think of: (I also, included games suggested by some Fans, from the last video game Poll)

(Which Video Game(s) series do you want the "Possession(s)" to happen in?)

(Note: You can vote for multiple Video Games, just know only the top 5 will have their characters voted for in the following 5 Poll's deciding the character from each, I recommend only voting for the top 5 of your preference list)

Also if you have a series that's not on the list feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments bellow, for the next time we do a Video Game themed selection.

(PS: If we end up having more than 5 in the top voted Video Game series, then we'll be having another Poll to decide the victor between the series with the least votes do decide what stays and what goes)

- Again, i can't thank you enough for your continued support, stay tuned for another 4 continued pages of our bonus monthly ongoing comic comming before the end of the month!

(PS: If enough Patrons re-pledge at the beginning of next month, and we still are over the $1000 threshold, then we will also be having a bonus alternative version of 1 of the 5 community versions done by another artist, decided by you Fans, so keep that in mind :3)



If you dont see a video game you like up there, feel free to leave a suggestion in the comments bellow, for the next time we do a Video Game themed selection, so it'll be placed in the selection Poll next time.


Fire Emblem? I hope persona wins. Anne with Morgana or Rize with Teddie.


Fire Emblem goes under "smash bros" because quote "Includes every game series featured in it"


Dragalia Lost?


xenoblade 2


I recommend Tales of


Fire Emblem please and thank you!

nope b

Rumble roses!