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Now that our final community commission for the month (October) has been released, here's were you can decide which charcter from this month, gets an Alternative version done by another artist!

- The next 5 Polls that follow, will detirmine Next Months Community Commissions, TSF Form and Theme! So stay tuned for those and the continuation of our ongoing TSF Bleach themed ongoing series! comming b4 the month ends!

(PS: If enough Patrons re-pledge at the beginning of next month, and we still are over the $1000 threshold, then we will also be having an additional character from one of the community voted series getting body swapped (mostly likely the runner up from each series), decided by you Fans, so keep that in mind :3)

- I'll be also be posting the breakdown for next month (November ) when all the Poll's detirmining next month's community commissions are finished, so you know what will be happening next month, so stay tuned ^-^



Aw man , tie breaker


Damn it really became a tie breaker