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  • Junkerswap_V2.mp4
  • junkerswap.mp4
  • Junkerswap_V2.mp4
  • junkerswap.mp4



Attatched bellow are Quick outline WIP drafts of how the completed animation worked on by the very skilled animator/artist "LeatherSFM" will go, given to me before beginning the completed version.

The completed version: will be 20 or so seconds long, be located in better location, will also be alot more polished/refined, have alot more additonal details and effects, and even have sound!

The Completed version will only be available (in about month's time, when it's completed/made) to the 7$ tier, due to animations being very expensive to make, in the future i may commission more animations from him, with your (the patreons) help, with your approval of course, of what you want to see from him next, if we manage to reach the 100$ goal someday.

Links to LeatherSFM's pages are listed bellow if your interested in checking out some of his TG transformation's & other works:

Deviantart: https://www.deviantart.com/leathersfm/gallery

Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCURLop3YzHtsjrham8wGRlw

(Attached are 2 WIP's one is a 14 second WIP and the other is a bit more more polished WIP that goes for 16 seconds, that has some rendering errors due to changes made to extend the 14 second WIP)



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