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Here‘s a preview of the final results of this TF Tennis series! and Angela is taking full advantage of her reward~

Look forward to more soon!




The anticipation to this has been building up for awhile and it’s looking great!


Omg thank you, ive actually been having a hard time thinking of how to make something really unique. But im happy you think its going in the right direction


It’s not a form of flattening I’ve seen drawn often, I’ve always enjoyed seeing whenever you draw it. Hardly anyone I’ve seen does partial flattening


Fondre knows that long skirts are for pansies


Funny you mention it, i have a funny idea for a short origin comic as to why she wears such short skirts lol


I love the fact that Angela got a 1-up on Miss Fondre. This is a great series to date and I can't wait for more awesomeness to come. :-D