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Hey all, just wanted to give an update on the text adventure that I announced some time ago, progress is going well, as of writing this I have written stories for 5 characters, I would love to let you know how much more time will be needed, but that brings me to my next point. This project is being funded by an anonymous commissioner, and they are so happy with the work delivered and the progress of the project that they have decided that they want me to do even more characters, which brings me to at least 11 more characters to do (each having 2 dedicated stories) and a few more stories to the characters that have already been written for. 

So to say that this project has gotten a lot larger is an understatement, and it will take more time for it to be completed, I will be sure to let you guys know when I am close to completion and when it is available to be downloaded. I hope you guys keep up the enthusiasm, as I know you all will love it when it comes out, thank you all for the supportive DMs and, like always, keep an eye out for more info!!


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