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The first twine release on the First Notification and TF Edition tiers has happened so that's rather neat.  

If your not on those tiers here's what I said so you'll also know what I said on those posts

Quick bit of housekeeping as this is the first time we're doing this like this thanks to the implementation of Plan B (see previous Fortnighty posts for details).

From now the way the naming of these posts is going to work is going forward is they'll be a post for the Discord tier and above called 'No Haven Tw0.x' which includes the TF Edition content. Then two weeks later there will be 'No Haven Tw0.x TF Edition' for the TF Edition tier that'll be the same version entirely as the most recent discord tier one. There will also be a version that does not include the TF Edition content called 'No Haven Tw0.x Notification' released at the same time on the First Notification tier. That will eventually also be the public release version that will be released, but for now in the current early state of the conversion I'll be keeping that exclusive to those on the First Notification tier.

Hope that's all clear and makes sense!

Next up is the last (not counting hotfixes) RAGS release ever in 0.99 

After that it'll be all Twine going forward with Tw0.3 

That's going to be Corruption and Biomancy after truly overwhelming support in the last Direction Polling. There's also going to be some patron funded content that was going to be in 0.99 and now will be in Tw0.3 instead. 

Due to the work still to be done on 0.99 there won't be streaming again this weekend, but there will be again from next weekend going forward as usual.

  • Commissions
July+August (2022) - Dominance Training : It's done! Man, I genuinely don't know what to say. Finally I know longer have to write stuff here about it. Let's have a moment of silence I guess to reflect on all the good times we had here.     Okay, that'll do. Funny thing is you might think this is in the bottom three of my worst experiences with commissions ever due to how long it took, but it's really not. Maybe not even bottom five either. Yeah, really.   
November - Valkynes : It's out, it was great.
November+December - Raid Nomad Camp : Seen the final sketch, and they're now working on the full version. Background is a lot more elaborate than what I thought would be needed, and it looks really neat. 
January - Orc Cum Addict Training : Not heard from them in a month since they said they'd check out the refference document. Hopefully still on track.

As for the current commission poll:

Happy Wife no longer quite so happy as the Kobold and Harpy have snuck up from behind and taken it. 

New commission poll will be up on Tuesday or Wednesday.

Thanks for reading, your patience, and your support!


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