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Quick bit of housekeeping as this is the first time we're doing this like this thanks to the implementation of Plan B (see previous Fortnighty posts for details).

From now the way the naming of these posts is going to work is going forward is they'll be a post for the Discord tier and above called 'No Haven Tw0.x' which includes the TF Edition content. Then two weeks later there will be 'No Haven Tw0.x TF Edition' for the TF Edition tier that'll be the same version entirely as the most recent discord tier one. There will also be a version that does not include the TF Edition content called 'No Haven Tw0.x Notification' released at the same time on the First Notification tier. That will eventually also be the public release version that will be released, but for now in the current early state of the conversion I'll be keeping that exclusive to those on the First Notification tier.

Hope that's all clear and makes sense!

I'm also going to include the text of the 0.1 and 0.11 releases in this post for full transparency of what is and is not is currently available in this conversion so far.

No Haven Tw0.2

Main highlights for this one is that Training has been re-implemented, and that you can now export/import your full custom characters like you could in RAGS.




New Additions


-First new Super Negative that will be Twine only in Lancer. This will ensure that your Second-in-Command is a suitable, well, Lancer, although not just one in the TvTropes sense of the word.

-There's now a chance for sex to mention if the cock involved is equine in nature.

-Replaced the Click to Continue links where you had to click on the text to a function where you can click anywhere on the screen to continue.

-Full Custom aspects and similar will now be shown when you're picking options so you can see what you've already taken.

-There's now a 1.5 second delay on making a Full Custom selection and it displaying more options for better visibility.


Re-Implementations ---

-Personal Training for Slaves with all the options up to 0.863 should be working now.

-Importing and exporting characters should now be working. You can rename the exported file after the '-' so you can keep track of multiple exported characters, but please leave the 'ExportImport-' bit intact for this to work as it should. For example 'ExportImport-human.twinedata'.


Post 0.863 Update Re-Implementations


-Human Noble Slavers and Slaves have their current Examine art.

-Updated the following Trainings to use their improved up to date text from 0.983 : Basic Obedience Training (Intro|Crit|Succ-(Stb) removal|Succ-(Def) removal|Succ (redid this one a bit for Twine) ), Advanced Obedience Training (Intro|Crit|Succ), Basic Dominance Training (Intro|Crit|Succ), Advanced Dominance Training (Crit|Succ), Basic Lesbian Training (Crit|Succ), Advanced Lesbian Training (Intro|Crit|Succ), Basic Blowjob Training (Intro|Crit|Succ), Advanced Blowjob Training (Crit|Succ), Exquisite Fellatrix Training (Intro|Crit|Succ), Basic Sissification Training (Crit|Succ), Advanced Sissification Training (Crit|Succ), Heal Slut Training (Crit|Succ), Basic Bimbo Training (Crit|Succ|Fail), Advanced Bimbo Training (Crit|Succ|Fail), and Orc Cum Addict (Intro). Some of these now use the newer up to date conditions where applicable where the old version was just a single result/one for you, one for someone else doing it. Those were the more complex ones but as the variable formatting is different in the text blocks all of these had to be converted to a greater or lesser extent from what it was in RAGS. Do note though that some of the updated Special text may not apply yet in the current version, and that not all of the most recent updated text is in there yet which mostly applies to the Fails and Disasters.




-Text entry options like changing your name should work now.

-Examining and Estimating Value will now refresh the list of characters so you no longer have to start an assignment to re-examine someone you've just examined for one example.

-Turned off the five slaver recruitments from Encampment level ups for now until I can get them working.

-Fix for being able to select a character during Finish Day.

-Fix for Fully Random Start breaking.

-Fix for the gender check issues in Full Custom like not being able to select Bimbo as a Neko.

-Fix for an error mentioning Restraints, Pony, and Poorly Made. Also I think I might have fixed part of the logic with checking for the best slave available from the RAGS version that due to variables being treated differently never came up as an issue.

-Fix for the broken way text entry was being done so that should now be sorted for the start of game options, and also when I get round to nicknames.

-Fix for Full Custom gold not being added, and for being able to go above the limits.

-Fix for a bunch of slave checks that were incorrectly being set to a blank variable which included why slave examines didn't list an empty list of Training.

-Fix for a bunch of places where Willpower and Condition wasn't correctly being limited to 0-100.

-Fix for the incorrect xp awarding on Cutprice Roses for when that's reimplemented.

-Fix for Value Estimating not showing slave specific stuff.

-Fix for a few of the repicks in Full Customs actually being confirms instead.

-Fix for an issue with regenerating a new name.

-Fix for cancelled Assignments potentially showing up in the Active list.

-Fix for the broken Amazon Futanari examine.

-Fix for the broken Kestrae Harpy examine.

-Fix (again) for the poorly pony issue by adding an extra catch when generating characters.

-Fix for Gold and Supplies being able to go into the negatives.

-Fix for an incorrect sissy text variable.

-Fix for the broken fail result on Hald Draenei Caravan.

No Haven Tw0.11

Main highlight of this release is that I believe that I've sorted out Full Custom starts to be able to work in Twine. That includes being able to select Uniques via Recruiter and Second-in-Command. The Unique based Super Negatives appear to work too. I've also hopefully been able to address all of the bugs that were reported with Tw0.1

Wasn't able to reproduce the Obj_Slaves_Display one so I think, emphasis think, that was to do with the Recapture issues. I sold more than one slave to the Whore Makers which was how it happened in one report, and it didn't show up, so I'm tentatively calling that sorted.


New Additions


-Daily autosaving is now a thing which should help deal with the unexpected during these early testing updates. I've set so it should be always available on the left of the User Interface.

-Added a note about saving in Twine at the start of the game.


Post 0.863 Update Re-Implementations


-The Nethemir Cult Vessel start has the specific Examine art.

-Male Cathayans have the two alternate Examines from Obedience Training.




-Bunch of fixes with the slave escape and recapturing being broken.

-Bunch of fixes related to starting playable uniques checks.

-Fix for an error mentioning '+ $No@@>>'

-Fix for the following art being broken: Cathayan Slaver Examine, Kreen Slaver Examine, Keldan Alley, Traveller's Inn

-Fix for the errors with the initial finding of the secret area. I've also turned off the area finding though while I was there, as man is that going to be a can of worms that I'm going to hold off dealing with for now as I'm still getting the base mechanics up and running.

-Fix for unique starting playable characters who have unique Second-in-Commands or Recruiters not being correctly generated.

-Fix for some menu items being listed twice.

-Fix for Transformed, Scenario Exclusives, and Promoted Slavers Start Options from TF Edition not showing.

-Fix for some issues with selecting a Demi-Angel, Fallen, or Succubus.

-Fix for being able to select slavers and slaves during Finish Days.

-Fix for an issue with several Ever Forest Assignments where you could start selecting your slavers while there was still a Click to Continue on screen which meant you could clone characters. Please let me know if there's other Assignments effected with a similar issue as that will be a great help in tracking these down.

-Fix for a number of broken conditions that were of a similar format that included relationship checks and the respect effects of the unique golem Ascendency.

No Haven Tw0.1

Well here it is.

Man, I hope this goes well.

This is based on the No Haven 0.863 RAGS version which gives you an idea of how long this has taken for the conversion to get to this stage.

The patch notes are going to be a lot more speculative than usual simply as I don't know entirely what works and what doesn't.

It's reached the point where I need more eyes on this so I can get a better idea of what works, what doesn't, and what needs to be worked on first. I'd especially like some feedback based on going for multiple months worth of play to see if the Twine version can hold together that long.

What I know works or are at least mostly

- Most of the Assignments that were added up to 0.863 so that's everything up to and including Lady of Light, Life in Coiled Tentacles, and The Elvish Art. I've tested a lot of these and seen at least one result for many of them.

- Scenarios.

- Unit Barks.

- Finish Days.

- Estimate Value.

- Examines.

- Standard and Quick Starts.

- Frequently Asked Questions.

- Stats.

- All art up to 0.99. Yes, 0.99 and not 0.863 so all the new commission up to and including Whore Makers is in there too so in that respect something in Twine is now ahead of the RAGS version. I did this in the last two days so it's possible there might be some issues where Assignments I've tested and worked before now have miss-named art refferences. For example 'Error: <<include>>: passage "Assignment Tavern" does not exist'

- The UI.

- Likely a bunch more than is either too miscelleneous for me to mention now, or stuff I haven't got to testing and somehow works anyway. This has honestly happened more than you'd expect.

What I know doesn't work or has known issues

- I've turned off some Assignments so they will be just plain text rather than being able to access them. These include Scour Dockside Taverns for New Talent, Price of Freedom (kinda amusingly this was the last Assignment added as of 0.863) , all Training, and Personal Assignments.

- Full Custom Starts (Yes, I know this is priority number one to get sorted)

- Talking to.

- Nightly Activities.

- View Tutorial Options.

- The Morale and Supplies used on Finish Day had some real issues with the existing formatting so I've done something that at least kinda works for now, and likely will need to be entirely redone to improve the look to reflect how it was in RAGS.

- Suggestions do work but appear to be a bit finickity in when they choose to show up. I suspect this is an Assignment specific issue and so should be reasonably straightforward to deal with.

- A number of options on the left side bar like Overview and Removal don't do anything currently. They just lead to a blank screen so I've left them as is. I may change up Overview to how it was in RAGS as the new Regions way of selecting Assignments may make some of it obsolete. Could do with your thoughts on that.

- Turns out I was a bit over zealous with changing 's to Html code. In some menus this will show up as the code rather than it being converted. "Don&apos;t" rather than "Don't" for example. Don&apos;t bother to report this as I know to sort them out and from what I've seen it doesn't break anything so it's just a visual annoyance for now.

- And outside of the art everything that's been added from 0.87 to 0.963 so that will include some bugs that have been fixed in those intervening versions.

In terms of bug reporting I'm especially looking for things that will show up in red and white proceeded with an exclamation mark. For example: 'Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: State.variables.Assign[State.variables.Nh_v1].push is not a function'

Please copy those in full and either post them in reply to this post or in a new Twine Bug Reporting channel I've added to the Discord.

Dead ends are the other critical reports. So that's where you click on something that basically ends the game giving you no option to do anything else. I suspect there will be at least some of these in the more complex Assignments which have extra choices in how they are resolved.

Hope you enjoy, and please look forward to many more of these Twine releases in the future as the two versions will get closer and closer in priority until we can finally do away with RAGS for good.


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