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From the open sky comes their fearsome battlecry! 

"Awoo!" it might be, or possibly "Awooga!" 

And that is is a very dumb joke that only works if you grew up on UK shows like Gladiators and Robot Wars.

Nah I probably won't actually do either for setting verisimilitude but it amused me enough to make it in the post for the art.

And what lovely art it is. Murr did their usual fantastic job. This was more challenging than you might think as there was no pose refferences for the one I had in mind, and they got it spot on. 

I especially like her outfit which is a wonderful blend of viking and historical naval influences where I basically gave them a bunch of different refferences for both and let them come up with something that incorporated both. 

You can find more of Murr's work here and here. They also have a twitter so please do give them a follow: https://twitter.com/murr_000

This will be used for the examine/portrait for ladies of the new race, and likely also for an assignment down the line focusing on them. 



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