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Starli returns after far too long, and brings with them one of their very best. 

I love this.

Fair thee warned I'm going to gush a bit, cause as mentioned I think this is great :D

They nailed the pitch. Pretty much what I thought of is what you've got. What wasn't in the pitch was the later idea to have her counting coins which is wonderful to showing her new approach to life. Starli really wanted her to be doing something with her hands and that was what we came up with. 

I especially like the contrast in attitudes in the before and after. The differing inside in the warm to outside in the cold is wonderfully done too. 

You can find more of their work on HF and their twitter.

This will be used for the above named Assignment in the City of Aversol in a later update, and will also be used for the Neko Convent examine. 

