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Went to the hospital today. 

Yes I got the right day this time. 

And at last I got the all clear! 

I don't need to go back tomorrow to spend hours getting yet more bloody eye drops. In fact I don't have to go back at all which is sodding amazing.

Thus this over a year long embuggerance is done with, and it is so dang such a relief. 

I can finally got my glasses and contacts updated again, not been able to do that while whatever this was (never got a clear answer on that), and so at last I won't always be in a bit of a blur. 

Should be less of a mental blur as this has rather weighed on my thoughts this last year which hasn't helped the 'ol creativity in the slightest. 

So putting that in terms of No Haven, I'm going to commit to getting the update out in January. I'm going to be away for a week in December to see the family for Christmas which is why there's no chance it can be any sooner than that. Please hold me to that though as this to me has to happen so we can begin to move onto a more sensible update schedule. 

What I am going to also commit to, and I'm so confident on this I'm going to give this an actual specific date, is the first twine version. 

That's going to be out December 30th for members on the Twine tier and above.

I could probably put out what I've got now so people could play most of the Assignments as that seems to be pretty much entirely working along with the end of day stuff. Especially as it has got to the point is what it needs most is mass stress testing and trying to go as long as possible in Twine. 

I do think it'd be good though to give it another month worth of polishing before that. Ideally I'd like training to be in there too for that release but I suspect that's going to be properly messy to sort out so I'll be happy if the end of day stuff and most of the assignments are definitely entirely working. 

Now I've learned the hard lessons from how that attempt at doing Whorelocks on Twine went, and I'm going to not do a full public release until it's content complete to the RAGS version. 

This is such a huge deal for the game so I'm going to be putting my best possible foot forward. My current plan is doing first releases on the Twine tier and above, and then a staggered week or so later on TF edition and above tier. I'm also thinking the first alpha versions will be Twine tier and above to start off with while we get through the initial teething issues of the conversion being played by others. 

I'm also going to start doing my Direction Pollings for those on those tiers and above as those versions start coming out to ask what would you like me to get into the Twine release next. 

There's a ton of stuff to get in there and/or make sure it's actually working so I think those will be helpful to provide some focus of what exactly people want me to see in there first so they can play them in Twine. 

That'll be a mix of existing content and what I've added to the RAGS game since I took the slice I used to start working on the conversion. I really need to check my notes sometime to see exactly which version that was. 

Will there be a death battle with factions forming between going to the town first or going to the tavern? Maybe they'll both just work first time when I try them. Only time will tell. 

Hope that all sounds good!

  • Commissions
July+August (2022) - Dominance Training : Sigh, well I suppose there had to be one disappointment in this one, right? One day this'll finally be done but it is not yet that day
September - Ex to Sea : It's done! It did much better on tumblr than it did on twitter. No, I have no idea how that could have happened either. 
September+October - Mark of the Wanton : Talked to an artist about this. They ask me to wait 3-4 weeks so that should be being sorted out soon. 

As for the current commission poll:

Looks like the centaur adjacent options basically split the vote to both tie in second place. That may have played the part in letting the Valkynes awoo their way to victory. Will get started on arranging that next week. I think with the artist I have in mind I may try and see if I can get the guy version in too as they're one of the most reasonable I've dealt with when it comes to alts so that'll mean the race can be added sooner. Will see how that goes. 

Also don't be sad you small devoted band of bear-themed fans, I think they're a cool concept, and perhaps one day they can be bouncing here, and there, and everywhere, as their song feels the air, for they are the Mathan-shul... Yeah, that doesn't really scan does it?

New poll will be up next Thursday. Must remember how polls work now since patreon revamped them without adding functionality that'd actually be y'know useful, so yes it will back to the regular multiple choices and having a specific date ending. That if you don't, the dang thing just gives you percentages rather than just the numbers of who voted for what, is quite the prompt to remind me to do it properly as that was so annoying to have to plug it into excel to work it out. 

In other patreon news apparently I should tell you that there's a thing called chats now? I'll spare you the suggested wording as it made my brain hurt so I'm certainly not going to inflict it on you lot. Not planning to do anything with it, and from what I got of the gist it appears to be the patron app only for now anyway and I don't use that. 

Thank you once again for your patience and support! 


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