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  • No Haven

Coming up on finishing all of the new dilemmas for the update. You'll be happy to hear tthat many of them are a lot more positive, or at least have potentialy beneficial outcomes, and will just by being added make some of the more irritating ones less common than they're currently. 

After that it's onto the final part of the writing/planning stage and that's the patreon funded content. There's some highly entertaining, seriously chunky stuff coming up from there, and I just want to thank those patrons for their support and providing such interesting challenges for me to dig into. I do think that some of the content that has come about that way, like Sable Masquerade, is some of the strongest parts of the game. 

On Sunday I am off to see the family for a week and a bit. Honnestly not the best of timing, partially for the disruption to my work, but also that outside in my town it's so rediculously warm and sunny that it could almost be mistaken for Barbados. Okay, if you ignore the lack of sand, bikinis, and sea, but it's not that far off as it's that unusually nice currently. I swear I could get a decent tan just sitting on the bench outside my flat. In this weather even the small carpark and bins approach being picturesque.

I do want to finish the dilemmas before I leave so no streams before then so I can at least get that done and then that at least is not going to be hanging over my head. I am going to be taking my laptop with me so maybe I can get some stuff done for the RAGS update and/or for the conversion. Will see how that goes. Either way, I will be skipping over the next fortnightly as with the no streaming and time away there's not going to be much to say anyway. The next one of these will be on the 6th July which should be absolutely stuffed with good news of all the progress made by then. Ideally I'll be able to say I'm on the actual implementation which should go much, much faster even accounting for having to do it all in RAGS. 

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

As mentioned in the last section there's going to be a gap in the streaming schedule. Next stream will be Thursday 22nd June when I'm back and then the streams will continue aiming to get back to the normal schedule, and not rely as much on doing super long ones on Saturdays to get the time in. 

Have made some solid progress. Mainly bug squashing with the incredibly complex nightmare that is Finsh Day. Was able to finally solve why on even days only every alternate character was getting reported on. Among other random bugs I also pinned down why slaves couldn't be examined. Next big task is I noticed there was a definite issue with those Assignments that are long enough when the finish to need several pauses to show all the text which I'm going to need to tackle individually to untangle that specific mess. 

  • Commissions
July+August - Dominance Training : First part is done. Since the last fortnightly the sketch for the second part has been refined a bit. 
Up to Feb - Banshee : It's done, and man is this thing under rated. so far. 
March - Grim Anywhere : Also got done, and I personally think it turned out really well. 
March+April Commission Poll - Barbrous Bargains : Seen the sketch of the amazon. Artist is just puzzling out now the pose for hher various partners who going to be taken for a ride. 

In the Commission poll last time there was just a single vote in it between Orc Cum Addict Training vs. the new concept with the High Elf finding some Finest Flotsam...

And Finest Flotsam held out winning with that one vote. Reached out to an artist yesterday so will see how that goes.

New commission poll will be up on here tomorrow. 

  • The Discord

Couple of interesting discussions on the discord that I felt deserved mentioning on here is as it's own section for those who aren't on there.

Main one is that I'm considering my long held opposition on doing a wolf themed beastkin race thanks to the unlikely convergence of the absolute legend that is John Blanche retiring from GW and the new alter for Texas in Arknights. Yes, I swear those two were the actual related reasons.

Been some fun planning out of what their niche could be in the setting with some really great suggestions. Current thinking for their name among a bunch of potentials is the Seroux or Valkynes of which I'm leaning towards the latter.   

There was also a fun debate about the number of generic (so not including uniques) goth art in the game and then if there were more pink bimbos. Did a quick nine pic collage for both. There were enough examples that neither ended up including every example including missing out the recent Banshee who personally I do think is one of the best. I'll post both as a reply on the twitter to this post.  

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thank you so, so much for your patience and support!


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