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The decidedly vivacious Verax returns for their fourth outing, and speaking personally this is by my favourite of the ones they've done for me. 

There's just so much character to this one. Showing the pounce rather than the proceeding stalk was entirely their idea, and I love how they pulled it off in practice. Those sand dwelling kitties look suitably fierce and the orkhai's startled '...oh bugger' is just as good. I also like her earrings which share a colour with the hair dye used by the other orkhai in the recent Ripe for Exploitation commission. 

You can find more of their work on their twitter: https://twitter.com/VeraxArt

This will be used for the new race as the male/female examine and the starting portraits when that gets added. It'll also be used as an Assignment in the Deep Mountains involving pretty much what is shown in the art. 



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