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  • No Haven

Right had a couple of 'hiccups' (see the next section for some details of those) and so I'm not quite ready to share the full patch notes. However not only will they absolutely be in the next one of these, but that the next update will absolutely be at the end of the same week as when that comes out. Confident I can make that happen based on current progress and what I have left to do so that's not an estimate.

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

Bit of a game of two halves this. 

Had some more allergy issues that killed two streams (thankfully those are sorted now) followed up broadband issues killing two more. That seemed to be sorted as it hadn't happened since last Friday... until today did have a short outage so very much hoping that's not going to re-occur. Can't stream tonight anyway regardless of dubious broadband stability as I've got something really important on first thing. Rest should be okay though, touch wood.  

Now onto the good. Actually scratch good. Absolutely zogging phenomenal. That critical issue I mentioned last time? Completely and entirely solved.

Not just that but I was able to get the character assigning to assignments properly sorted. So it will both display a menu to make the selection, will remove that character, do all the needed skill checks etc, and then present a new choice with that character not on there. This was crucial to solve as it's the main mechanic the entire game runs on, and one I was most worried about being able to do so in Twine. 

So more like being one nill down in the first half and then scoring five in the second. That's a good thing by the way for those that don't talk footie.

  • Commissions
January+February - They Choose You + A Taste of Glory : Taste of Glory was finished, and will be in the next update.
They Choose You still hasn't been started yet. Artist is having some issues and at this point I'm just hoping this is still happening. Artist has now assured me it will start in the first week of November so here's hoping.
May - Saving Glory : Got done and I think it's great. 
May+June - Scare Crow + Laughing Trickster Priestess + Scour Dockside Taverns : Scare Crow is done and it's fantastic as usual for Starli. Laughing Trickster seems confirmed still. Artist has been in contact at last and their queue is longer than they though and asked if I'm okay waiting. Scour is done and will be in the next update..
July - Broken Succubus : Was finished and will be in the next update.
July+August - Dominance Training : Seen the first rough sketches though it has stalled somewhat. Stalled is still the word. This is now in the hoping it's still happening and rather glad I hadn't paid them yet. 
September - Cherry Blossoms : This is basically done. You'll likely be seeing this Saturday/Sunday. 

Commission poll with all new races for this month went up a fortnight ago and here is how it's looking:

Wow, had only looked at this the day after posting it so did not see a two way tie. That's the very seasonal Banshee and Lich tag team going head to head against the Desert Neko and Kobolds (they're on step-stools so they can get their heads high enough), as the sneaky Changelings and Manticores wait close just below in the polls for their chance to snatch victory. 

That's got three days left to go if you haven't voted yet or want to change your mind if you were on Team Mucky or Team Scary. 

There was also a bonus commission thanks to a patron with a very, very lewd Ori'Nek seamstress. 

  • Discord Assignment

A title now seen in a long, long time. Returning once more to finish off the thing where the patrons on discord help design an Assignment. 

Here's how the standings are looking before the poll closes tomorrow:

There's just a single vote between the leading two options, and two for the 'vamps' would get into joint first. 

When that ends I'll make a post on the patreon for the Discord tier and above confirming who won. That will also kick off the discussion about what the related commission will involve. Week later that'll get voted on. 

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thank you so, so much for your patience and support!



Tomb of Nekodancer wins the poll, that's really cool! And thanks for the great progress!