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September+October New Races Commission Poll

  • The Spooky Set 18
  • The Mucky Set 12
  • The Salty Set 12
  • The Shorty Set 12
  • The Sneaky Set 17
  • The Scary Set 14
  • 2022-10-12
  • —2022-10-30
  • 85 votes
{'title': 'September+October New Races Commission Poll', 'choices': [{'text': 'The Spooky Set', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'The Mucky Set', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'The Salty Set', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'The Shorty Set', 'votes': 12}, {'text': 'The Sneaky Set', 'votes': 17}, {'text': 'The Scary Set', 'votes': 14}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 30, 22, 56, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 12, 19, 43, 10, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': True, 'total_votes': 85}


As mentioned last time these are going to be all new races and so I'm going to be doing this one a little differently in terms of structure. To give as many different ones their chance I'm dropping the 5-6 Character Options and dispensed with the usual splits and just done it so combined they add up to six based on how many characters, being really monstrous, compexity of backgrounds and so on are taken into consideration. There's an extra option than usual to make up for this. 

These are mostly from when I dropped 32 new race concepts on the discord and got the patrons to vote on them to see which ones were the most interested in. Generally the ones you see below are the ones that one or did well. I've included those original pitches in [brackets] to give you some more idea of what the race is about. Edited some of them where appropriate to avoid repeating description that is already in the pitch. There's also a couple of newer ones that have arisen from other discussion that has taken place there.

I've attempted to vaguely theme the various options together including one that's most suitable for the curent month. 

It will be back to the regular way of handling these polls next time round. 

The Spooky Set

A Banshee with both a male and a female version. They'd be sqauatting on a rooftop with the nightsky and stars behind them. Very goth, pointed ears, humanoid though with longer limbs than the norm, and really big amount of hair on both sexes.

(3.  - 2 Characters+Background )

A Lich with both a male and a female version. Pale grey skin, and entirely white eyes. Dressed in dirty rags, and draped in white bandages, and a copper crown rests upon their head. They'd be in some dusty library and nervously opening a large book that glows with eerie blue light. 

(3.  - 2 Characters+Background )

The Mucky Set

A Spotted Newp too cloaked in the shadows of the marshy woodlands helped by the large hood for extra concealment to easily tell their gender, extending their tongue to hit the exposed skin of an unlucky passing Forest Goblin lady who is obviously orgasming uncontrolly as she eyes roll back as she passes out. [Secretive, skittish, often misunderstood types who like hoods, trill-style spots, though licking them is going to be a lot more fun, can also lick others from a reasonable distance]

(2.  - 2 Characters+Background )

A Human Comoner lady unwisely attempting to cross a marsh in a clingy and now very soaked wet dress as the mists gather all around. Then in the next part the Fen Lord stands revealed as the mists swirl around them. A truly monstrous and tailed hugely muscled figure with four arms, a single eye, and a long rusted mask covering his lower features. He'd be putting all four arms to work as he fucks the unfortunate elf's brains outh in both holes with his double cocks. [All male, the mists. Also... in the same genus as at least three other races in setting]

(4.  - 3 Characters, Monstrous, Complex Background )

The Salty Set

A Waque stepping out from the sea in their towering heels. Fully enclosed in a skin tight suit with an ornate transparent helmet with stained glass look and penis gag, Small breasts and camel toe on lady version, flat chastity belt on guy. [vaguely inspired by the look of Quarians. Even under the sea there are civilizations, going for a walk, bondage suits]

(2.  - 1 Character with minor gender variation+Background )

A male and female Shork, both big, muscled, piratical looking, and grinning pointy teeth as they arm wrestle in a tavern. Whoever wins gets to keep the Sea Elf wench who is sucking the guy off under the table. She thinks just for the night. She is likely wrong about that. Grey/Blue scarred skin, Humanoid features with tails and finned limbs and backs. [definitely shark themed, straight forward hard drinking, hard loving, hard fighting types]

(4.  - 3 Charactes+Background )

The Shorty Set

A male and female, all business, pair of Desert Neko wearing grey outfits for the terrain about to jump an entirely unsuspecting Orkhai lady in the mountains from above who'd be almost twice their height. [Smoll, commando paint, bandanannas, thousand yard kitty stares]

(3.  - 3 Charactes+Simple Background )

A male and female Kobold are trying to both pull on a rope attached to a treasure chest that's bigger than they are while also arguing viciously. Off screen can be assumed, and more importantly where they aren't included in the cost, are a whole bunch more kobolds attempting to push from the back or pull on other ropes while also not making much headway. Red scaled humanoid heads, arms, clawed feet, and ridged tails. [being short, probably at least somewhat lizardy. Also... some gnome in there too for good measure with some illusions/crafting: devices. Despite being lizardy entirely unrelated to Lizardmen]

(3.  - 2 Characters+Background )

The Sneaky Set

A Changeling at a high society party with a male and female version both looking deeply snazzy and excessively stylish. Also likely the exact same changeling pictured half an hour later. [Heterochromia, reeeally good at Infiltration/Diplomacy, Fae connected. Also... like to wear transparent crystal masks]

(2.  - 2 Characters+Simple Background )

A male and female Manticore fucking on a clifftop at night. The lady one uses her tail to pull her lover in even deeper much to her satisfaction and his obvious enjoyment as his bat-like wings are rigidly extended behind him. [soporific scorpion tail, flyers, give Tsumi harpies a run for being sneaky in the air, but also far more dangerous on the ground]

(4.  - 2 Characters, Monstrous+Background )

The Beastly Set (Edit: missed this from the poll. As it only got mentioned over night on the discord I'm going to figure this wouldn't have done very well either way. Still very annoying and sorry for messing that up)

Seen from behind a Night Goblin wench looks up and up at the hulking Mathan-Shul that is looming in the doorway with male and femae versions. Will definitely at least need to take off the antlers decorating their hulking shoulders if they're ever going to get inside for a pint tonight. The cute bear ears ears on top of their head are almost inconngrously cute in comparison to the rest of them. [Northern bruiser bear themed big hugs beastkin types, also maybe some yeti. Also... hunting is very much their cup of tea, furs, scale and bone outfits and trophies, lots of Trapper/Tracker, racial as a mini Booty Snatcher type of thing, you call that a knife, well this is a knife, etc.]

(4.  - 3 Characters+Background )

A Male Northern Neko (we've had a lady version already thanks to a bonus comm funded by a patron, she was the one in the red dress). Bigger and buffer than a regular neko guy. He'd be holding an Icewyld Harpy by the leg who would be slurping on his cock. [Snow leapard types, see themselves as superior to other neko, possibly right, high standards in general, but still definitely want to mate with someone worthy, so often somewhat frustrated]

(2.  - 2 Characters+Simple Background )

The Scary Set

A male and female pair of Dracotaur that are head long charging downing a mountain side with really big hammers as they burst through a clour of dust that was likely just recently had been a boulder dumb enough to be in their way. They are clearly enjoying themselves greatly [Huge scaly centaur types that break stuff very easily, likely once were just centaur/ogre offspring until they worked out a way to be something even more, or possibly just draki who are centaurs rather than humans/elves. Also... Get a real jolt out of lightning as it makes em feel good]

A lady High Elf adventurer who understandable missed the large black sphere in the very dark tunnels they are exploring and is rising up behind them. Then showing the Phantasm now split into many smaller freaky black spheres with shafts sprouting them that are violating her holes, including two she is jacking off with her hands, that spurt black cum barely visible in the darkness, and her once bright eyes eyes are almost entirely black from the centre outwards as she is utterly possessed to the inplacable will. [Entirely inhuman, they’re just a black ball, and the problem with being deep underground is with no light all you can see is the black... Also... the one race that can truly worry a Wisp]


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