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Sorry once more this took so long. If you want more appologizing then see the last fortnightly from last month. At the very least this was step one to stopping the downward spiral, and now to see how the next steps to recovery back to where things should be go.

Unless there is something properly game breaking found within the next seven days then this will be the public release so I can get onto the next update and with it a whole bunch of outstanding patron committments asap.

One thing I've noticed on the discord is that some people are using 3 and it's looking to me like less of a good idea than I might once have said for an incrasing number of reasons from usability to memory errors. If there's a red background when there's choices then regardless of what it says in the player (that's says what the game was made with, not what you're using) then I reccomend uninstalling the rags you're using and installing the version I've hosted here https://www.patreon.com/posts/24566675, There are more requirements than 3, but if you follow the guide there though then I'm sure that you won't have any problems.

Due to the amount of work I've done on the Arrogance Storyline finale for this hotfix I'd really like for as many of you to experience that content. To help with that I've included a guide at the bottom of the attached text file. If I get a good response to that move I'll think about doing that going forward with this kind on patron requested content that might be hard to find otherwise without being on the discord.



-New Commissions:

---Changing Places.

---Decadence Like No Other. Old commission for this one is now used for Listening to Whispers which has had a rewrite to the intro and Success text to reflect the change in art from the former placeholder. Decadence has variants used for the intro, Female Gorgon Slaves, Futa Gorgon Slaves, Female Cityborn Slaves, and Futanari Cityborn.

---Supply Run and Sell Excess Supplies. Has three variants which will be chosen at random when you start the Assignment.

-Emissary Rework:

---You can now set a focus for your Emissary under General Orders. There's some new text when you assign one to notify that this is a thing you can do. This can be set to any of the Assignment types (yes even Crafting) and this can gain a variety of buffs, penalties, specific assignments of that chosen type, or improvements to rewards.

---The Emissary is now much more resilient with a variety of alternative bad things that can happen to them rather than just being removed or wounded.

---It's now possible for the Emissary to gain or lose a number of traits depending on the focus chosen. Though some of the better rewards like these do need the Emissary to have been on a number of trips before they are eligible to begin receiving them.

---Now how a slaver feels about Emissary work will also affect how good they are at the Scouting Assignments in the same way Guarding preferences works with Abandoned Watchtower.

---The previously helpful traits of Cunning (Cun), Fleet (Flt), Flying (Fly), Seductive (Sed), Persuasive (Per), Tactful (Tac) now help more often and also now stack rather than just having one of them. Mind Reader (Min) has been added to those and work in the same way with the same larger bonus that Flying (Fly) has. Other traits now help too for the type of Assignment chosen to focus on. Specifically there are : Slaving=Trainer (Trn), Infiltration=Sneaky (Sne), Trading=Logical (Lgl), Diplomacy=Friendly (Fnd), Exploration=Tracker (Tra), Marauding=Leader (Lea), Corruption=Depraved (Usc+), Defending=Honourable (Hon), Scavenging=Perceptive (Pcp), Crafting=Creative (Cre)

-Miscellaneous additions:

---Rewrote and improved the intros to all five Scouting Assignments.

---As I changed the corruption wording to be updated on Examine a while back to be more generated on Examine there's no need like there used to be to have Males as gender neutral in case of some transformation so I've changed that to be more specific and fixed some grammar issues caused by those variables in the process.

---Various Harpy types have had their favoured Trait of Singer (Sin) replaced. Icewyld got Elementalist: Water (E:Wa), Kestrae got Magic: Nature (M:Na), and Tsumi got Magic: Illusion (M:Il). Icewyld also should have had Nethemir as a Favoured Race but on checking incorrectly had Elementalist: Air so that's now been fixed.

---Updated the starting Harpy Trait packages. Lyonixin are now far more likely to also have Aggressive (Agg) if a Slaver or Defiant (Def) as a Slave, with a small chance for Slavers to have Onslaught (Agg+). Tsumi have lost Singer (Sin) entirely, and now are more likely to have Herbalism (Hrb), Loner (Lon), or Magic: Illusion (M:Il). Kestrae and Icewyld now have their own specific starting trait packages rather than sharing the Carrakar one and then just adding Agile (Agi) or Resilient (Res).

---Updated the starting Drider Trait packages to the proper full varied set most races get compared to the three options they used to come with.

---Changed the Harpy lore page to remove the comment about extra limbs which is no longer a thing for either NH Harpies or NH lamia.

---Updated the Neko racial to give them a Success bonus on Gloryhole Box, Saving Glory, and A Taste of Glory.

---There's now a variable cooldown between Forced Encounters with about ten days as the average but depends on the roll can be shorter or longer. The cooldown result is then reduced by three days on Hardcore Difficulty.

---Added an alternate oath during dialogue for Night Goblins and Drow to represent their totally not the same entity racial Goddess.

---The auction official who had such a grudge at their opposing number at the arena has mysteriously disappeared, and as such the penalty for selling an arena prize has been reduced from -300 to -100. While it has no gameplay effect it should be noted that the arena official in question now has a much better morale at work which could be put down to their new slave who they've been bringing in to keep under their desk.

---The addition to the examine gained from Basic Lesbian Training now has an Assignment bonus which is the same as having an Established Lesbian Mantra (does not stack if they have both). Now also has a Value Estimate bonus (does stack if also has a Fully Embedded Lesbian Mantra).

-New Content Improvements and fixes

---Many, many, many fixes for the Arrogance Storyline starting with the cock length that had been breaking things. Also a heavy amount of re-writing, and way, way more entirely new writing. A lot more depth and variation compared to the first attempt that was locked off by the cock length bug so probably a good thing you're seeing this version instead. This can result in a new Enchanted Item, and the potential Encampment Upgrades you can get are more potent and interesting, Some of the new text is based on your chosen race including an ending outcome that you can only get as a Lizardman. Had missed the asked for new planning out assignments text and bonus so that's also now in there and can change based on how things work out.

-Bug fixes:

---Fix for an issue where Common Deep Mountains Assignments other than Hold Back the Dark weren't being generated.

---Fix for losing a Spiritual Leader potentially removing the tracking of your Emissary instead.

---Fix for an issue where along with getting the eight day version of Pillow Talk as a reward you'd also get the Cathayan Caravan. That also blocked getting that Cathayan Caravan as a reward.

---Fix for the hidden wings corruption also giving you butt wings.

---Fix for being able to get Mind Reader (Min) on the player character with corruption.

---Fix for an issue where trying to cancel any of the Opportunity type assignments including Green Wooden Door could break the game.

---Fix for Gorgons not having a base race estimate value.

---Fix for the oversight with the new fae player character being able to go on Corner of your Own as the whore and getting removed for good on a Disaster. I've also now updated the Success, Fail, and Disaster text to better reflect the change in who is in charge. I've also added a couple of extra paragraphs to flesh out the regular Fail result.

---Fix for being able to buy slaver upgrades for yourself while you're not in the encampment.

---Fix for a whole load of issues that had been affecting Bed Warmers including other slavers using them.

---Fix for the Unique Aspect - Not So Unbreakable not working when being used for the bonus to coming along on Assignments.

---Fix for mercenaries not having weapon descriptions.

---Fix for some issues with the rewards on the last part of Temple Takeover.



That does make me wonder WHY we can't get Mind Reader on an Asanei character given it seems part of the shtick.


Mainly as I want slavers and slaves to be able to have secrets to the player without one trait completely undoing all that.


just an idea but maybe you could implement a system where after multiple sucessful make use of attempts the slavers will start approaching you for sex