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  • No Haven

Been working on the first big hotfix which should be out reasonably shortly. I think the changelog with all the fixes might be longer than the actual update was. There's also a bunch of polishing up of the patreon specific stuff to get into a much better actually working state.

Also comes with a new mechanic I'm really pleased with that came out of a conversation on a discord. Wasn't actually what the patron wanted, but when I raised the idea people on there really liked it. Basically the concept is by selling slaves with tertiary training via the auction or opportunities you'll be able to earn a new currency that will let you buy a Critical Success on an Assignment. 

Realy like the idea as it's very much a 'carrot' way of encouraging players to engage with more of the mechanics, and way better than the various 'sticks' I'd been seriously considering which I know wouldn't have gone over well. 

Started off the Direction Polling for 0.99 along with talking about what exactly I'm going to call the update after that. Still got no clue whatsoever about what to do about that one. 

Pretty dang close right now with only a single vote in it. Currently the winner is more conversion work which would mean some longer streams for the duration of the work on that update.

Still hopefully I don't get a three way tie for thsi one like happened with the last one as when I figured I'd do a quick decider on the Discord they were amusingly unhelpful which resulted in a patron coming up with a meme that I had to stick on the twitter. Result ended up eventually after a lot of tied voting being more dilemmas. 

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

Did start off the streams again as promised in the last one of these. Missed one due to an unpleasant bout of mental and emotional fatigue that completely crushed me on Monday. Rest though happened and went well. 

Best thing was that after the original run of the validator I got shown had pages and pages and pages of errors and warnings I'm down to no errors at all! 

Warnings I'm still working on and now all of these are of the odd number of quotation marks so likely some of those are going to be fine anyway. 

Once I've dealt with those I can get back to proper testing again, and this should should have sorted out a bunch of issues that I'd been seeing the first go round.

  • Commissions

November+December - Changing Places + Dance the Night Away + Coastal Corsairs : Coastal Corsairs and Dance the Night Away are both done. 

Changing Places I've seen a sketch, that looks great, and is fully confirmed.

January - Victims of Forest Goblins : Seen the first sketch yesterday. 

January+February - They Choose You + A Taste of Glory : Started talking to artists, but both need fully confirming yet.

Current commission poll has 6 days left to go but yeah I could have called that after the very first day. Sudden Betrayal absolutely crushed this one rediculously hard.

As always I hope this was worth checking out, and thanks again for your support!



<p style="color: #008600;">Well, I think the idea of that concept is quite interesting, it's great that others liked it too.</p>