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So long 2021. You were certainly a year, and that's about as much as I want to say about that.

Right onto the actual progress, and less me being tempted to be all maudlin.

  • No Haven

Okay maybe not so much progress for once here to talk about. For tis the season to be jolly and man a shocking amount of jolly was consumed. Was away for most of the last week and so to see family, and you wouldn't think only four people could possibly be able to consume that much booze. Lets put it this way when I got asked afterwards I had got home how many wine bottles I thought were now in the recycling, and to emphasise that's just the wine, my initial guess needed to be doubled to get even close.

Hope you all also had just a good a time too in whatever you might have been getting up to!

Other reason is the next bit coming up.

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

Actual solid progress to discuss! So when I got back I decided to focus on getting the conversion ready so I could get back to streaming again starting with new year's eve, i.e. today.

I've now at last got it so all of the No Haven code is now in Twine!

Just got to get it now all linked up so it actually works, but it's now all in there. I was also been able to do it in Tweego so I can make the needed changes in a text editor which is a blessed relief for anyone who also remembers the truly glacial pace of when I was trying to navigate the spawling spider monstrousity on stream when I was doing WR. 

That means I can indeed do a stream today for New Year's Eve with the aim to go late in an hour or so after this post goes up if Picarto and my computer both play ball.

Only thing missing is the images. Now I know I did this. I distinctly remember doing them for sure, but man do I not know what happened to the file that had them in. Annoying the file called 'NH - Images' which I assumed was it turned out to be something entirely different which was not a great deal of help. 

Accentuating the positive it's not going to take long at all to redo from the current RAGS file, and that means the Twine version will be starting with all those updated examines with commission rather than the old placeholders. 

Speaking of which. 

  • Commissions

July+August - Snakes on Wheels : Got pushed back with the artist. Not sure when it's starting, but they're still up for doing it.

September - Mistress-of-Torments : Seen a sketch and it's looking great.

November : Negotiate Entry to the Lord's Gate : Got done and I loved it. 

As for the current commission poll well you read the last one, and there's been no changes to the landslide so I'll be sorting out the winners towards the end of next week along with putting up the next commission poll. Those are 

Now while I don't look back at 2021 with much to be all that happy about there is one exception and that's how many commissions got done for the game. A whopping forty of 'em got done if my count is right which is rather impressive if you ask me. That's not even counting the couple still in progress and the ones that were lost, some for good, to the artpocalypse of 2021.

Thank you to everyone for helping to make that happen, and especially so to those who have arranged their own commissions to contribute, or paid me so I can do it for them. 

Pixiv reckons the best of the year was Murr's Centaur Outrider, and that seems like a pretty great pick of the pics to me. Personally my favourites were the Lord's Gate for being able to so well realise a location that had only previously existed in how well I could describe it in text, Investigate Coastal Caves partially for the satisfaction in finally having it done, but also cause man is that thing just oozes the feel for NH I always wanted to be able to convey, and also Some Enchanted Nightmare for how well such a complicated pitch was able to be done. 

I'd love to hear too what were some of your own favourite commissions were from the year. 

As always I hope that was worth the read, may 2022 be a better year for everyone, and thanks again for your support! 


Alice Tag

here's to the Artpocalypse!


Only if it's to hope it never happens again, if only for the sake of some artists whose lives were seriously put through the wringer.


So I have a request. Give us a way to punish guards who are assigned to guard slaves and use them. Whenever it happens, my only options are to remove them and make them a camp bitch or dismiss them from the camp.