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  • No Haven

Hotfix is out and I'll give that a couple of days to see if that's going to be the public release or not. If it is that'll be out for everyone on Saturday.

Have started work on the next update. Namely one of the patreon commitments which is going to be weapons. These are going to be description only rather than something with mechanical benefits. It's an excuse to do some rng base long list world building so it's basically right up my alley. 

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

As I'm going to be away early next week for the hols and not getting back until the following week I don't see a lot of point trying to do a partial stream schedule before having to pause things again. So my plan is to do that prep work to start streaming again when I'm back, and then kicks things off good and properly with the super late into the night new year's eve thing I've done before. 

  • Commissions

July+August - Snakes on Wheels : Got pushed back with the artist. Not sure when it's starting, but they're still up for doing it.

September - Mistress-of-Torments : It's fully confirmed at last, and should be starting soon. 

September+October - Tall Tails gone Wrong (or Right) + Mystery at Sea : Both got done, and I'm very happy with how both came out. 

November : Negotiate Entry to the Lord's Gate : This is basically done and will be out later today. I'm incredibly pleased with how this has turned out given it's not something really with a lot of refferences to find, and involved me needing to draw a crude map to help the artist visualise where things are.

As for the current commission poll, well I usually try and talk up the potential to make it more interesting but here...

Dang that's a landslide. I suspect it's mostly down to the Changing Places pitch, and I'm guessing I could have even got that dwarf assignment through if I paired it with that. 

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thanks again for your support!


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