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Now this likely needs several days more proper testing, but I also really don't want you to wait several days more so here we go. If you just want to see this as a confirmation that progress is being made, and are happy to wait a bit longer for a more stable experience then that is probably sensible. Then if you are up for finding some of the likely many issues then that'd be really appreciated.   

One issue I do know about came up with the new biomancy race changes which is going to have some wonky description issues. I've decided to make the race descriptions more dynamic rather than being set on generation, but as that's going to take several days likely just on its own I figure it'd be sensible to leave that for now. There's also some older bug reports which I also haven't got a chance to look at yet, and that will also be in the hotfix.



-New Assignments:

---A new Uncommon City of Aversol Assignment which is effectively the upgraded version of Pillow Talk. Has three versions of a commission generously provided by a patron. Has submissive specific text of course given the theme, but can also be done as fully dominant not counting the Disaster, cause y'know it's the Disaster. As part of the work on this new Assignment I've expanded and improved the Pillow Talk intro. Mainly to reflect why you don't get extra gold by going yourself as the old intro implied the slaver going kept most of the gold they earned there. Also now has an alternate version if you're a Puppet Leader, and another if you're Possessed. The Pillow Talk Critical Success text has also been updated, including making the subby ones more subby, the dominant result more dominant, and now will generate the new Assignment rather than a Pillow Talk repeat. On the new assignment and on Pillow Talk, if the slaver is one who would always obey you in respect checks due to their trait, being a specific unique, or the scenario they will earn the same bonus gold, as if you had gone while having the best trait bonuses. So that's Submissive without Sex Addict on the Critical Success (Submissive and Sex Addict is a bonus on that result but a lower one) and Submissive on the Success. Has been added to the Artful Whore Aspect and the Festival of the Light Event.

---A new Standard City of Aversol Assignment which is a new way to purchase supplies. Has a SFW landscape commission generously funded by a patron. Can provide supplies even on a Failure. On all results apart from Disaster there's one of six different events that can happen which are affected for the better or worse by the quality of the result, whether you went, traits, races, and even one of the scenarios. Plan is to expand this with more events in later updates.

---A new Rare City of Aversol Assignment which is the longest assignment to date. The actual Assignment is not that long, however if you Critical or Success it extends to over thirty days with rewards to make it worth your while. Has a commission with two variants generously provided by a patron. Potentially can get a Unique slaver with a new aspect.

---A new Common Deep Mountains Assignment which is similar to A Corner of their Very Own but Slavers (and You) can be sent in the Slave role. Uses the commission for Forest Goblin slaves. Has been added to the Artful Whore Aspect.

---A new Standard [Unlockable Region] Assignment which might be one of the mechanically different Assignments I've done. Reason being is it doesn't use the existing Assignment mechanics at all, and instead has a specific way of seeing how well you do on a variety of different factors. Has a commission generously provided by a patron.

---A new Rare Dreadsea Coast Assignment which is based around an outside of the ordinary Fae. Has a commission generously provided by a patron. Potentially can get a Unique slaver with a new Enchanted Item.

---A new Special Great Plains Assignment which is the third part of Temple Takeover. Has a commission generously funded by a patron. Can improve the existing Unique slaver from the previous part with a new Aspect. Can reward a special Encampment Upgrade, which is improved if you used the Unique slaver. Due to this Assignment it is now possible for Lamia to be Convent. Uses the commission for this Assignment, and are most definitely rare.

-New Commissions:

---Coastal Caves. Will also be used for Lamia slavers with Sneaky (Sne). Also used with a zoomed in version for both Sea Elf and Savage Orc slavers (those with Magic:Corruption or Depraved will still use the Profane Ritual one). There was also a nice variation for the Sea Elf with a tattoo that I didn't think worked with the whole piece and so instead have used it to replace the Promoted Sea Elf portrait. That's had an updated description to reflect that.

---Cutprice Roses.

---Vicarage Tarts.

---Succubus Futanari Examine (an update to the Hold back the Dark commission).

---A Truly Scandalous Affair. When you don't have the Semi-Unique Lago'Mae that starts the Biomancy storyline yet the new art with her will be used. If not, the existing artwork will be used. Then on a Critical Success where you would get the Semi-Unique you'll get the alternate version with her being enslaved that will also be used for the unique Lago'Mae's Examine art. Any other result, then the existing artwork will be used.

---Nest of Vipers. Also used for Lamia slavers (replacing the Marshlands one which will be used for that specific encounter when that is a thing), and the Coastal Caves Critical Success. Will also be used for Lamia players or those with Lamia heritage during Nightly Activity Hypnotizing or Respect Checks using the Hypnotise option.

---Encampment Upgrade Centaur Outrider. Includes variations for each of her three upgrades. For now will be used for buying Encampment Upgrades in general until I get more done with the exception of expanding the encampment/pit which will use the existing Encampment art (or golem ones if playing that scenario).

-Maid Training:

---New Basic and Advanced Training. Has commissions for both parts which has been used before for Lago'Mae wearing a Maid outfit.

---Camp Bitches with either Maid Training will find extra supplies. Those who have the Advanced Maid Training will also be more likely to find supplies.

---Basic will apply a Maid outfit if the slave is not wearing one like Ponygirl training. Will get a better one on a Critical Success. Advanced will also apply a Maid Outfit has been removed since Basic has been done which will be sluttier.

---Basic can be done without losing Innocent (Inn), and has some extra text on the Critical Success result to reflect this.

---Basic has a different Disaster if you are doing it with a different negative outcome.

-Gorgons: ---New race, available as all possible genders. Can be played (with Fav/Unf specific to them), can be slavers, and can also be slaves.

---Uses an alternate version of the Artistry in Flesh commission for Females and the Promoted Slaver portrait.

---For the regular starting portraits, the Futanari and Male examines, and for different permutations of sexytimes with different genders there's a whopping eight different versions. The examines will also vary between the cum/non-cum on Female versions.

---Artistry in Flesh has been overhauled with some re-writing to the existing text. Now has an alternate version which you will need to go on yourself to be able to unlock Gorgons as a race. After that has been done they'll begin to appear like any other of the rarer races. Or you can start as one where they will automatically be available, but then the Artistry in Flesh Assignment will not be available for that playthrough.

---Can petrify or unpetrify a slave in the same way as a Petrification Potion. This can be done once a day via an option on Make Use of for Gorgon slavers, and as a Personal Assignment if you're playing one yourself.

---Have a new powerful racial, which doesn't just include their petrification abilities, and of course also a new lore page for the race.

-Fel Tainted Rework:

---The trait now has a ranking of (0) to (5) from no negative effect and very little positive effect, to as per the old trait and counting twice.

---Now when the trait would have been applied in the past there's a roll to see if it increases and by how much. There are twenty five separate modifiers including a bunch of different traits, races, aspects, and the current position on the tracker.

---There's a new help complete with lore explanations to fully break down how all of this works in detail.

-Biomancy Improvements

---Futafication and Race Changing is now enabled so Nearly Impossible no longer is actually Impossible. Nearly Impossible is now a base 10% and the various modifiers can affect that as any other option.

---These are not their full power versions which are still planned for the final part of the Biomancy Storyline. As such Futafication will require Resilient (Res) and Strong (Str) for the attempt while Race Changes has a whole bunch of things that might disqualify them from the attempt including being Fel Tainted (Fel) or being one on of the more non-standard body sizes like lamia or driders.

---Races Changes in the non full power version works similar to how it did in Whorelock's Revenge and so races will have a set destination race. Meaning you might need to do two or many races changes depending on where they started from and where the target you're aiming for is on the chain.

---Futafication in the non full power version will likely need more Biomancy work on the cock and breasts to get them up to the proper Futa standard.

---Both have possible exceptional results.

-Miscellaneous additions:

---To celebrate the lovely Nest of Vipers artwork Lamia have gained a new racial if they have Hypnotic (Hyp) in Sinuous Entrancement to improve their hypnotic powers during Nightly Activities, Respect Checks, and on Assignments.

---Increased the Expiry of Imperial Muses by 5 days.

---Advanced Blowjob Training Success can now Lightly Establish the Suck Cock mantra based on the Trainer has one of the possible mental affecting traits or it can still happen with a low chance without them.

---Advanced Lesbian Training Success can now Lightly Establish the Sapphic mantra based on the Trainer has one of the possible mental affecting traits or it can still happen with a low chance without them.

---Advanced Obedience Training Success can now Lightly Establish the Obedience mantra based on the Trainer has one of the possible mental affecting traits or it can still happen with a low chance without them.

---Advanced Sissification Training Success can now Lightly Establish the Sissification mantra based on the Trainer has one of the possible mental affecting traits or it can still happen with a low chance without them.

---As Pillow Talk and Silken Pillows now makes use of this for some extra variation in the result text, the generator that's sometimes used for human/beastkin names (where they don't have a more specific one) and is more likely to to apply if they are beastkin or a Bimbo (now also if they have Slutty) has had a bunch of new names added.

---Text and effect improvements to the Bissected Armour gained from A Deluge of Oozes.

---Goblins now, rather than always having a slightly reduced booty, have a chance to get a decent bonus to their butt size on generation.

---New trait combo in Fiendish (Sdt+/Fnd-). Rare chance to be generated on Succubi, Dark Elves, Abyss Troll, Quintari, Horned Ones, Golems, and Night Goblins with a better chance to be found on Legion. Has an attached new aspect with that as a requirement which is effectively an upgraded Talented Tormentor.

---Because someone on the discord mentioned it there's now three different NH breeds of tiny dogs for Beastmasters as possible alternatives to the pack of lizards.

---Split up the Temple Turncoat Critical/Success results so some of them are much less of a wall than they used to be. Also the Success with an Obedient Convent was missing a You reference.

-Bug fixes:

---Fix for the slaves on Quicker than They Like being a base higher quality on the Success than on the Critical.

---Fix for Futanari becoming Female on Quick as You Like (double check these two didn't get lose due to save/not touching game for awhile)

---Fix for the excessive number of supplies being given on a Success on Icebreaker.

---Fix for playing as a Golem not getting Terrifying automatically at the start of the game.

---Fix for undoing a Petrification potion not inflicting the potential slave wear effects it was supposed to.

---Fix for Ponygirl Training not checking whether the slave is wearing Unchangeable Attire or if it can be crafted correctly and so wouldn't extend the current seamstress timer if applicable. I've also changed it so now the check is also on the slave having the crafting traits (as then they can make it themself at the slaver's direction). Now if there's no crafting traits, no role currently filled with a crafter, and no purchased encampment one now the assignment can be done, but will cost some extra gold if available or morale if not to reflect that outfit had to come from somewhere. The new maid training will work the same way though will need less gold available to reflect those outfits being easier to come by.

---Fix for Artistry in Flesh not checking for the required traits or potion.

---Fix for the following assignments not being checked for the Diplomacy rank up bonus assignments: Little Demon, Big City, Tall Tails, A Gem's True Cost, and Best Left Sealed

---Fix for Willpower being able to go over 100 with gentle training disasters.

---Fix for Festival of the Light not increasing the gold cost of going on Scout the City.

---Fix for Stars in Their Eyes displaying the Disaster result twice.

---Fix for some issues with the sentence construction with bondage including piercings.



I don't know if this is a new or already reported issue, but I haven't experienced it until the past few updates. I am experiencing a bug where I frequently can't select slavers for assignments. They will be available for selection prior to selecting the assignment, will be recommended by the suggestion system, but will not show in the selection pane list. I can't seem to narrow it down to a specific assignment or slaver, a random one just isn't available when I select any assignment.


That might be to do with the suggestions mechanic not being as up to date as the assiging mechanic is. So the suggestions is suggesting people that aren't actually allowed to go on the assignment due to an event or the assignment's specific requirements. Problem there is the suggestions stuff is a total mess, that's repeated many times in the code, and is tied into a bunch of older assignments, and digging it out to update it is going to be a task to put it lightly. Current plan is to just leave it for now and redo it entirely in the twine version.


Alright good to know, thanks!