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Okay super quick one to give an update on where I am currently. If you've not read them for the context please check out the last fortnightly (which included the patch notes for the outstanding update), and the other progress update I did before having to be away from last Monday.

Got back late Sunday, and unfortunately it did take me a couple of days to sort myself out to be able to get back into full tilt which was not ideal. 

Keenly aware the update needs to be out as soon as bloody possible so I'm getting right back to that as soon as I've posted this. 

Don't have much to say about the commissions currently anyway so not much need for news there so you're not missing out on much by not getting the usual full breakdown. Seen the sketch for the Draki at sea and that's about it. 

Thank you so much for sticking with me, I seriously appreciate your patience, and next time you hear from me it'll be with an update.



Oh, I think you shouldn't worry. The main thing is that you are back and you are safe. Get back on track!