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  • No Haven

Officially hit flavour country so the update will absolutely be out by the next one of these unless something castrophic and/or unseen hits me.

That's going to include the following as the main highlights:

 - New race in the Gorgons, all genders, playable, findable, and enslavable. 

- Basic and Advanced Maid Training

- House of Ill Repute (Pillow Talk equivalent in the Deep Mountains)

- Fel Tainted rework 

- Futafication and Race Changes will now be doable in Biomancy. They will still be limited to some extent so the planned full power for those from when the Biomancy storyline is done is still going to be a thing.

- A Rare City of Aversol assignment with an attached new Unique slaver.

- Silken Pillow Talk (Aka Pillow Talk 2 this time it's better and in the City)

- A new combined trait and attached aspect.

- Improvements to Ooze Armour.

- A new standard City of Aversol assignment.

- A new standard assignment in the Unlockable region.

- A new Dreadsea Coast assignment involving a not at all usual Fae.

- The third part of Temple Takeover.

There's more besides that. I think though that's a solid overview of what most to look forward to in the next update.

If all goes well I'm really aiming to avoid the having to hold big chunks of content for the hotfixes thing. It really drags on the update, and then obviously those big chunks then need their own hotfixes dragging things even further. Not saying there won't be any new content in the inevitable hotfixes. I'd just like to keep them to more minor stuff like that re-write of Sky-Shaman I want to do to reflect the new art, and the new member of staff the Mistress of the Ensnared Rose will be getting to replace her current maid. 

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

Going to skip the streams this week. See as mentioned officially in flavour country for the update so that needs to be fully focused on. There's also as mentioned I'm close to a point where I need to do a fairly substantial amount of work which can't really been done on stream, and once again the update comes first. 

  • Commissions

March+April Commission Poll -  Some Enchanted Nightmare: Not seen any update since last one of these.

July - Centaur Outrider : Got done and and I really love them.

July+August - Snakes on Wheels : Got a tentative agreement with an artist to do this one. Likely starting November.

July+August - Horned One vs. Wood Elf : Seen base colours and I say with confidence that some people are definitely going to like this one. Especially those who like their Horned Ones horny and their Wood Elf bois hornier.

September - Mistress-of-Torments : Got an agreement finally and is aiming to be done in December.

Also not one of my commissions, but a patron got a chibi version of one of the characters from NH, and it's just great. I linked it on my twitter if you want to check it out.

Current commission poll has three days left to run and these are the current standings:

So theoretically possible there will be a eight vote swing, but looks like it's the alt take on Tall Tails, also something going on with a Draki.

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thanks again for your support!



Will biomancy only do futa and race change or will it do sissy too?


It already can do sissy? Well I mean it can do the body changes so you can then do sissy training on the character afterwards. If you mean direct change to sissy then no as that would need mental alterations that biomancy doesn't do.


in my mind my mc doesnt need mental alteration he already has the mindset even though he dosent officially have the body. he want to be a respected leader by offering personal "physical" incentives :p