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  • No Haven

0.96 work has begun. 

Outside of everything else I'm already doing for this update. which is a whoooole bunch of stuff, I've also decided to do something about Biomancy. 

Alas, having an ingame tease of future content can get quite annoying when that content stays locked off for too long. So what I'm going to do is enable the race changing and create futa options. Now this will not be their final forms. Not by a long shot. They will either need additional requisites like futafication needing both strong and resilient on the subject (of course, you can then weaken them if desired afterwards) to even make the attempt, or will be limited in what races can be turned into what.

However they should serve for now until the Biomancy storyline can be completed and both will be upgraded (along with pretty much everything else Biomancy related) to their full potential.

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

For literally the first time this year I'm going to be away from my computer for a couple of days from this weekend which I'm currently processing. Outside, for and exended length of time, what a concept. 

Leaving that potential personal struggle aside that does mean no stream tonight or this weekend. Aiming to get back to more normal hours getting done from next Thursday.

  • Commissions

March+April Commission Poll -  Some Enchanted Nightmare: At last progress! Seen an updated sketch which is super sweet, and should be seeing more next week.

May - Bio-Bun : Now confirmed, should be starting next week or the week after.

May+June - Nest of Vipers : Seen the base colours. Sketch ended up being chucked out as the artist thought they could do better, and I do think they're right on that front with what they came back with. Also really like how my idea that the lamia's new pets would mimic her preffered hairstyle was translated, even more so given one of them has tentacles for hair. 

May+June - Cutprice Roses : Has started. Just sorting out some minor bits on the initial sketches. Looking super promising..

July - Centaur Outrider : Seen final sketches of all three parts and it's looking great. This was by the longest of all the current set of pitches outside of Nightmare. Also the only one to need an edit in gimp as the refference I thought I had just didn't exist when I looked for it and it's a rare enough concept that none of the few other similar ideas worked for me. Even with all that the artist nailed it to the wall on the first try which was just amazing. 

Had two bonus commissions finished since the last one of these and personally I think both are top notch works. 

Holding off on the winners of the last commission poll which was Snakes on Wheels + Horned One vs. Wood Elf for when the artists I have in mind for them are free.

Current commission poll standings:

Huh, didn't see that coming. Not only is the SFW landscape is putting up a surprisingly stiff challenge, but it's narrowed the difference to a single vote. 

  • The Discord

Some more updates on the polls that have been run for those that might be amused by that.

- Most recently I'm running one about the traits that don't have links aspects yet. To get up to 32 I included some traits with new +/- versions. This led to some discussion with me mentioning I'd considered Shy for (Lon+) before going with Paranoia, and that led to the absolute genious idea to have Shy be (Sed-) instead which an idea I like so much I might try and include it in the next update. As for the actual voting (Trn) - Trainer is currently leading ahead (C:Cu) - Crafter: Culinary and (Sed+) - Irresistible is beating (Alc) - Alchemy

- Amazons were picked as best human in a one off. 

- The one on cat tails was entirely inconclusive.

- Another one I did myself was aspects to find the best, and also the very worst with the mind to improve some of the weaker ones which was an idea I'd mentioned in the last direction polling. Squirm and Writhe beat Booty Snatcher to be named best aspect while  Pact with Damnation was picked over Scarper to be named officially the pits. 

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thanks again for your support!



Thanks for the update and have a nice weekend. I hope you are well. Take care!