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Oh man it's been an utter trip getting this lot ready to the point that they could be included in the game. I shared the lore page on here yonks back, and I wrote it a good while before that. Almost certainly needs me to go back and touch it up now probably :D

This was originally aimed to coincide with the end of the Year of the Rat, and while it was started well before then it didn't quite make it due to a bunch of unfortunate circumstances. 

Still, at last they're here, and in my opinion, looking pretty great! I really hope you like them too. Thanks to Mavezar for depicting another new race, and all goes well, that won't be the last new race you see by them. 

You can find a link to the rest of their work here.

They'll be included as a full race, playable, findable, and everything, and will also be used for a City of Aversol assignment yet to be named. 



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