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  • No Haven

First hotfix came out for the current update which was nice that had the Gem for Nothing follow up, the wounding/removal changes, and a bunch of other stuff. 

Next hotfix is being worked on which will also have a bunch of assignments and some other nice new stuff so look forward to that. Based on current progress somewhere between next Monday to next Thursday at the latest I reckon?

Will be doing the next direction polling for patrons of those tiers and above either tomorrow or Saturday depending on what other things are happening. 

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

Managed to solve the odd every slaver is odd issue, was able to get an entire encampment be generated via Quick Start which is dang, dang lovely. I've used that generation to start finishing off the Twine UI so clicking on your characters will bring up options like you would currently with the right click in RAGs for Examine and so on.

I also worked out something with Twine loops which is even more lovely. I had thought I would have to pretty much redo every loop in RAGs to the more complex method I had been using, and that was a fricking large number of loops. It was also a method that only worked with number variable ones, and it looked like I would need to do the text variable loops by this wonky method where you send back to the beginning of the passage. Turns out though there was another way I'd previously missed/not quite understood reading up on Sugarcube and it's no where near as hard to deal with as I thought and is actually much more reasonable to convert. 

There's still the issue about RAGs pauses in loops, but one struggle at a time. 

  • Commissions

November + December Commission Poll - Word in your Ear: At last activity! Seen some base colours, and I really like what the artist has done for the background. Very atmospheric.

The Veil: At last it's almost done! There's little background rats. They're great.

Alternative March Commission Poll - Endurance Training: Seen the sketch and I love it. Horse is indeed suitable NH freaky. 

March+April commission poll is now over, and Some Enchanted Nightmare won. Still need to arrange it, but I have one of two artists in mind to take on such a complex one with so many characters and both of those are currently doing ones for me already. 

New commission poll is up:

Really didn't see the love for the Bio-Bun coming aka the unique reward from A Truly Scandalous Affair. Even more as I pretty much added her as an afterthought as a 'uhhh okay one more option left, well had been thinking about getting her done sometime so why not' thing. Also thought that I stacked Sweet Elixir waaay more than it's doing in the poll :D Should apparently not worry about that so much. 

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thanks again for your support!


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