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  • No Haven

Still plugging away on the embarrassment of riches that is going to be 0.95.

Aside from the very diverse selection of the new assignments this week I pretty much stripped out a lot of the old gender generation and redid a bunch of it from scratch. The old one was a bit too random when there was stuff like the Full Custom options to effect who you should be starting with and had a bunch of issues which were causing unintended behaviour. This was important to sort both as people complained, but also due to the new quick start options being added this update which has a bunch more of them for extra customization for those that choose to take them. 

To cut a long finnickity story short I've changed around some of the ordering as previously the race selection was done first and then gender afterwards which was causing issues where a race could be generated that then wouldn't work with the gender that had to be accounted for. I've also redone the race specific checks as some of those used to overwrite things like Sisterhood for increased females so say a female/futa race like Trollops or Succubi would ignore Sisterhood entirely and just generate the usual selection. Now that and other similar options should now gaurantee the chosen gender at start. There was also sissies to account for who needed to both account for races that can only be female or female/futa so couldn't be male in the first place, those that are male but also can't be feminized, and also the odd normally female/futa race such as Nymphs and Succubi that could maybe have a sissy or two for reasons of it being fun and implying an entertainingly eventful backstory

Another thing that got added this week which I know some have definitely been asking for is as part of the random trait starts it's got a chance to start with Exceptional Beauty/Feminity. It's also going to be a new Super Negative in TF Edition for those who'd prefer not to only occasionally have it pop up on your starting generation. It'll also appropriately increase chance of betrayal, increase forced encounters, and generally make life a bit more tricky as looking that hot in such a potentially precarious position logically would. 

  • The No Haven Conversion / Picarto Streams

Been working on my plan to specifically import everything needed for a Quick Start. Not doing as many streams as I'd like what with the update dragging on, but I'm treating the Friday and Saturday ones as sacrasanct to at least keep some momentum going on the conversion. 

Also been a 'fun' reminder of just how many mechanics get touched on before you even get to the opening text bit about the general area. The various timers that handle trait removal for one that surprised me specifically but there's a bunch others you likely wouldn't expect at all to be active at that stage of the game.

  • Commissions

November + December Commission Poll - Word in your Ear: Seen an updated sketch this week and it's progressing nicely. 

January Commission Poll: Marshlands Lamia got done and I was actually kinda amazed by how well it went over. Got a lot more love than I was expecting which was nice.

January + February Commission Poll - Profane Ritual: First artist I tried who I haven't used in ages is currently closed for comms so currently talking to someone else. They seem keen but I'm waiting to hear back on pricing to see how to proceed as they do two different styles which they cost differently. It's also going to take some working out with the background, as I really don't want to pay for a bunch of extra characters to make the idea work as that could get super prohibitively expensive super quickly and could mean changing to an artist who I know treats background character as well background. 

January + February Commission Poll -Fending off Naughty Humans (actual name tba):  Got the sketch this week, and I honnestly can't remember being this excited for just the sketch in ages. Yowsa to put it lightly, and the artist has already gone above and beyond their already usual pretty dang quality standard. Veerry very personally hyped and I can't wait for you all to see the final piece when it is done :D

Current poll has been going for a couple of weeks and still has a couple more to run but it's looking reasonably cut and dried. 

If it wasn't for those in the $25+ tiers this one wouldn't even be up for even the slight chance of seven or so late votes swinging things. Really didn't think that black orc concept on her white horse would resonate as much as it did. 

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thanks again for your support!



"Really didn't think that black orc concept on her white horse would resonate as much as it did." Maybe it is less about white horse, and more about it being hot bondage scene? Also, current endurance training pic is meh.


So do we have a rough ETA for 0.9.5?


Not yet, I was aiming for end of this month though with the amount still do to do it's looking suspect. Should have a better idea on thursday when I post the next fortnightly


I'm running into an issue in 0.9.45 where I can't get any trading opportunities. It says I have too many opportunities already, but there are none available so far as I can tell, either in Aversol or in the mountains. Any idea if this is a known bug?