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  • No Haven 

Got the update out on the patreon. Took longer than I'd have liked, but yay out, and now on to the hotfix. Doesn't seem too bad with mainly the Elven Hospitality commission missing, some other minor stuff, and one potentially concerning crash report. Though that is something I genuinely did test upwards of 20 times as I wanted to be sure it really was sorted* so I'm not sure at all what is going on there. Do mean to also include some extra bits of content that didn't make it into the main update. 

Once that's will see how that goes, and then either another hotfix or that will be the public release for this update. 

Next Direction Polling will be up on Saturday.  

(*See also puppet leader from forced encounters which got tested far more than usual, and I'm very relieved to have had confirmation since that's firing now for others)

  • The No Haven Conversion 

Been making really good progress on the livestreams. Actually got all the way to the end of the code with what I was doing. Did realise that I'd missed some due to the way the checks were done so now going back and picking up the spares.  

  • The Wiki

After mentioning the Wiki last time there's been a bunch more added including a whole bunch on unique characters so thanks from me to those who have been contributing.

  • Commissions 
May+June Commission Poll: Lesbian Training should be starting around begining of September. 
July Commission Poll:  Heal Slut Training / Healing won with an utter landslide. Had hoped this would be a Felox one but unfortunately they're tied up in 2021. Did ask the discord what they thought and the response was unanimous not to wait, so now looking elsewhere.  
Next Awasof one: Starting next week!
Next Mavezar one: Also starting next week! Super incredibly super hyped for this one as it's a new race I've wanted to add for ages with a different take from the norm. Really hope it works as well as I envisioned it in my head.
Next Otto one: Happened, would have been in the update, but will definitely be sorted for the hotfix. 
Next Eladaer one: Got the neat bear, and now doing one I've been trying to get through the polls through awhile. Didn't look like it had any hope that route so figured why not. 

The July/August commission poll will be up tomorrow.

  • New Emojis

Got four of these done now, With the last one hopefully being the final word in the great conflict that has consumed so much of the chat on discord and patreon streams. 

  • A New HMV 

Going to see if I can polish this off to the point that it is postable here. There's a single section left that just really needs some love so maybe in the next fews days depending on if I can get it looking good.

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thanks again for your support!      



any chance you could add a cheap way of getting new slavers (like promising sexual favors for example) as i find quite often my starting slavers are .... crap at their jobs(to put it mildly) and as a result i wind up with a roster of wounded slavers(if im lucky) or a nearly completly depleted camp with not enough good slavers to earn gold with


I'd actually like to see Scour the Dockside Taverns reworked to give you a choice of recruits, or to decline entirely. Could set it so it's 1-4 or something, costs a fair bit of gold upfront so that there is a cost factor vs random mercenaries. With a small portion be refunded if you decline to recruit anyone. Could even design it similar to the current Cutprice Roses system to search for specific races, or even traits. Could have the rarity of said races/traits apply penalties or increase the cost for recruiting a slave. Just as like a rough example: Mission Costs like 250g, I want to search for someone with magic+100g, and a rare race like a wright +100g, in addition you could also add additional risks or penalties depending on certain traits or races. Corruption could risk a random corruption, for example.


Idea with Dockside Taverns was it was always going to be the base default no frills starter option in the same way Whore Makers is the basic way of dumping slaves you don't want. The Lord's Gate one I've been trying to get through the commission polls would work similarily to what you're suggesting though with far more complex options to select what you want. Then I was thinking there'd be a City version somewhere betwen that best version and Dockside as a middle ground.


yes but scour the dockside taverns requires gold and the problem i wind up with is that i dont have enough gold to send a slaver and dont have enough decent slavers left to send on missions and have a decent chance of success as theyve all dissapeared or been captured on missions


also idea for puppeted leaders, how about after the collaring the slaver pimps you out to the others?


There's a choice in the current Direction Polling to add extra sex text including more text for puppet leaders. So up for adding more text for them and sounds like an interesting idea to explore like you having to do Pillow Talk for example.