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Highlights for this one include some seriously intricate new assignments with probably more text for each than several of the older assignments used to have put all together and some, a bunch of new commissions, some initial dilemma changes based on feedback, the witch racial changes, and a whole bunch more. 

As always there will be some hotfixes following this up and for those I've held back the Watchtower assignment and a purchasable encampment upgrade to get this update out to you as soon as I could. 



-New Assignments:

---New single length Uncommon Deep Mountains assignment dealing with harpies. Works somewhat like the cheerleaders where multiple critical results will get better rewards. In this case three different uniques, all three with lore pages, and with the last one a new harpy themed encampment special upgrade. Has two pieces of patron submitted artwork, and includes another piece of patron submitted artwork currently used now for Kestrae Harpies. 

---New Rare Dreadsea Coast assignment with a new commission for the artwork dealing with a lady possibly regretting her new tattoo. Can potentially obtain a new unique who can help out with corruption, and has a lore page. The success has four different vignettes for each of the different slave types you can get from it. Commission also used for the portrait and examine of the male Nethemir Cult Vessel start. 

---New single length Uncommon Dreadsea Coast with commissioned artwork dealing with a really tall spire. Will need more working out than usual to get all the possible different rewards from this one.

---New Rare City of Aversol assignment with a new commission for the artwork dealing with a freshly summoned succubus. To get a special alternate result with not just a new trait, but an aspect too, you're going to make things very hard for yourself to get it. Also has possibly a better outcome to the regular Critical Success if you have maxed out your slave count or turn off slave capture with a general order before going. Commission is also used for any red skinned succubus outside of those with Draenei heritage.

-New Commissions:

---Hard Reality, with an alternate for Crits and Successes. I've also used a crop for Bimbo Elves, and another crop for Wood Elf Females with one of the following traits:  Magic: Illusion, Magic: Summoner, Magic: Arcanist, Magic: Biomancy, Psionic, or Dominator

---Elven Hospitality with the before and after as before. Also has another version I've used for brown skin Dark Elf slaves. 

---Raid Draenei Farm, with an alternate for Crits and Successes. 

---Trollops slavers, that will be used for an assignment in a later update. I really liked the old placeholder so I've held onto it for now for Trollops with the Magic trait.

---Bonding with your slavers featuring a number of NH uniques which will be shown sometimes instead of the other Encampment options if that's what you have your nightly set as. Also has a crop variant used for Male Fae slavers. 

---Patron submitted art of the unique Severina for when she's a slaver. On a why not basis I'm also going to use it for now for the assignment Shark of the Cards until I can get something more specific. 

---Patron submitted art so that Donella can now be loving the ladies for headpats just as much as she can when there's a cock involved. 

-Witch Changes:

---Updated the racial to reflect that even if Obedient will still be at the beck and call of another. 

---Will have a highly variable hidden countdown before they leave. Training them in any of the tertiary options, including Slaver Training, or them earning a Level Up, will reset the current one and create a new countdown effectively extending how long they will stick around. 

---Has a scene for being removed with a short addendum if she was a Camp Bitch at the time. 

---Will no longer be able to be given to a Slaver via Strict Supervision/Slave Driver, or become a bedwarmer, and will have a new scene to reflect this with a bunch of different alterations to reflect why she shouldn't be able to deny you if you try.

-Some Rebalancing of Dilemma changes:

---Some slavers now have a special save to avoid bringing up a dilemma. In order of least likely and up Loners are most likely to bottle up all their problems, then Sex Addicts due to having other matters on their mind, then Followers for assuming you probably know what you're doing, then the Cowardly for thinking you probably won't yell at them but still somewhat nervous about potentially causing any kind of conflict, then those with perfect morale, and finally those with 90+ morale so they'll be a bit less likely to bother you than before. 

---If you have four or less assignments active in a region you will not get the dilemma where they offer the chance to purchase a region buff as they'll figure it won't be of much use. If you have two or less active in a region you won't get the one where they offer the better scouting opportunity as they'll figure you're just not interested in going there at all.

---If you have 300+ supplies you won't be offered the supplies one. 

---Added a 25 gold price for most of the dilemmas asking for money. Though these will reduce the quality of the effect sometimes further than the 50 gold one already did. 

---The higher costs will be rarer when you have less than 500 gold. 

---Cunning slavers will more often ask for less while Greedy slavers will ask for more generally. 

-Miscellaneous additions:

---Increased the odds for both ways of getting Puppet Leader through Forced Encounter. Also removed some pauses to get it to flow better. I've played through it a couple of times getting it to happen, and it does appear to be definitely working now. 

---Doubled the bonus for Thrallforge during respect check Domination attempts. 

---When Large Cock (>8) is asked for on an assignment now there's an extra bonus if the character is 10+, and an even bigger bonus if the character is 11+ in the cock department.

---Added 12 suitably arrogant going on assignment unit barks for those with Exceptional Beauty.

---Re-wrote and expanded the potential choice after going on Maid to Serve and getting a Critical Success.

---Succubi, Fallen, and Demi-Angels from the character generator (so not playable characters) can now come in all of the Harpy varieties. Changed up the odds of the various race heritages. Neko, Draenei, Elves, and Lamia variants are now more common than they were before, Humans are slightly less common, while Felborn and the rest are about the same.

---Changed up and added a few harpy skin/feather combos.

---Stats now also tracks the number of successful Corruption and Biomancy attempts. One of the new assignments is gated behind successful Corruption attempts, and likely later content will also be gated in a similar way.

---To get ready for future content, and to keep that part from getting too long, I've moved piercings under bondage to a separate follow up sentence. Chance for slutty+depraved characters to start with fel-metal studs that have a minor complication in that if blessing of perversion is chosen for them there will be no chance they get something else. 

---While still not as exact a magical science as Biomancy I've added some more feedback as to what's good and bad for corruption rituals though it won't say how much effect they're having.

---As some were far too first time specific I've added some alternate Innocent slave dialogue for when they've managed to keep hold of the trait but have lost their virginity. On a why not based added a lower chance for these to be used for virgin innocents too so they'll get a bit more use than the real edge cases. 

---Extended the Witch-Queen expiry from 18 days to 28 days. 

---Removed the harpy slave placeholder art. Most of the specific types of harpies placeholder/commissions are plenty submissive-y already, and it just doesn't seem needed really when it'd be better to show something more representative of the actual harpy type in question. 

---Moved down the tentacle priority of Conjured Companion. Made it so if they have either of the tentacle corruptions will instead use the default Zephyr Spirit. Also fixed it so that Conjured Companion recognises Corrupter to be able to get the lesser succubus. 

---Added some general orders so you can set it so Mercenary contracts are not automatically renewed.

---The following starts can now take Feminine in Full Custom, and so may now also take the Sissy start in TF edition if they do - Goblin Trade Prince, Human City Outlaw+Former Sellsword, Horned One Tribal Dancer and all Fallen and Demi-Angels.

-Bug fixes:

---Fix for the potential extra corruption effect from x2-3 Ritual Casting not applying. 

---Fix for Oral Hoods not being tracked correctly when amending bondage.

---Fix for a potential crash when taking on a new slaver via a dilemma. 

---Fix for an issue cause by opportunities wanting conflicting breasts and tits. 

---Fix for several issues with Human Wastelanders fav/unfavoured started bonuses and penalties. 

---Fix for Human Convent and Neko Convent completely missing their intended fav/unfavoured started bonuses and penalties.

---Fix for Human Succubus favoured traits. 

---Fix for Obedient not being checked correctly on the Decadence Like No Other Critical Success.

---Fix for being able to repeat Best Left Sealed.

---Fix for Human Village being over keen to give out guys where it would ignore the current general order. 

---Fix for Psionics being described as using mind tentacles when they either have them from the corruptions or from having them from Beastmaster. 

---Fix for intended parts of some elf and nethemir starts notably the city elf noble and cult vessel descriptions not showing up.  

---Fix for the Wake up option during Possessed forced encounters not doing anything, and the Fight back option being ignored if you actually win.

---Fix for an issue if half of an owned couple is enslaved. 

---Some text fixes.


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