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Wasn't able to find the CT Error but it does seem to be very rare for most people at least, and for those it's effecting it seems more annoying than actually appearing to break stuff. Still definitely something to keep an eye on to work out what's going on there.



-New assignments:

---A Rare City of Aversol assignment in the City of Aversol with two pieces of patron provided commissioned art. Comes with the opportunity to learn one of ten potential traits, specially upgraded versions of all those traits, and a new penalty effect in Enflamed Lusts. While currently used on this assignment I'm sure it will also be a fun option to inflict in other places in future. 

---Hidden Special assignment follow up to that one needing multiple critical successes with specific traits to find a very powerful reward with two new unique slave(r)s with four new aspects and a special encampment upgrade. 

-Crafting changes:

---Added two more qualities. Formerly it was Poorly Made, Average, Designer/Masterwork, Spectacular, Epic, and now it's Poorly Made, Average, Impressive, Designer, Spectacular, Epic, Ultimate.

---Changed up the odds due to this of the likelihood of these being generated.

---Respect checks for seduction are now affected by each quality rather than just for designer and above. Armour works too if it's got a 20+ slutty rating. 

---Reduced the assignment bonus from Average with Impressive now contributing what Average used to. 

---Increased the assignment bonus for Epic attire.

-Miscellaneous additions:

---It is now possible to gain the puppet leader status from forced encounters without the forcer needing a way to be able to change you mentally though it will need them to be taking the max amount of gold for it to be able to happen. The method used should be familiar to those that have played the Rough Landing games and I hope you enjoy the little callback.  

---Lamia futanari will now always be double cocked. Added some extra description for lamia/lizardman cocks. 

---Replaced the last part of Golem descriptions with a new set of nine options as the old ones like spectacles, face prints, and forehead gems really weren't appropriate. Also updated the wisp last part replacement so there's now four different ones rather than just the one. 

---The Male Nethemir Cult Vessel has picked up Back Tentacles as a starting corruption. The aspect Aura of Dark prophecy now also replaces Scavenging for Corruption as a favoured assignment type and Follower for Leader along with Faith: Frozen Queen for Magic: Corruptions as favoured traits

---Legion, Golems, and Wrights can no longer be Were. Centaurs and Harpies now can be. 

---Updated the you golem physical attributes generator to match the updated one used for other golems. Other golems with Monster will now have a set height rather than being variable. 

-Bug fixes:

---Fix for Private Passage not listing the needed gold. 

---Fix for Truly Divine increasing potential slavers instead of slaves. 

---Fix for Sissies having the wrong chastity options. 

---Fix for a slaver's reputation being changed correctly by an enslave attempt prior to the bit where it should be changing. 

---Fix for Oozes, Wrights, Wisps, Driders, and Golems being able to be enslaved by the talk to option. Some will be enslavable in future but you'll need to discover a way to do it.

---Fix for 150g dilemmas only costing 50g.

---Fix for a big issue with dilemmas where it would forget what it was doing halfway through on several options. 

---Fix for the Ensnared Rose fulfilled opportunities being broken. 


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