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Didn't want to do another hotfix. Was in fact within the process of putting up the public release when the critical issue was reported.  Accentuating the positive though as I'd started work on the next update and didn't want to do the fixes twice so I decided to finish off the magic and elementalist traits in full custom that I'd been working on first. So now you're now getting a bit of the next update early. 

Not the full functionality planned as in the update proper they'll have some extra functionality and be usable in respect text. There's also might be some issues like Draki don't get any discounts on the Magic or Elementalism traits. Then I think I might limit those to one discount each on the new Magic and Elementalism menus or that might get a bit silly. That Cathayans can currently take three of those traits for all of six points I really shouldn't let stick around for long so enjoy that while you can!



-All magic and elementalist traits can now be taking in full custom. Full usage where you'll some extra functionality along with being able to use them in respect checks will come in the next update.

-Lady Kiruna has become more tactful along with being more circumvent in regard to how she uses her blight magic. 

-Adjusted the traits on the rewards on Reign of the Witch-Queen and added a bonus value to her. 

-Added some more common eye and hair colours.

-Golems will no longer tickle. 

-If you would be occupied like a slave would be i.e. being corrupted you will be in-eligible for the Puppet Leader activities at the end of day. 

-Accompanied slavers will no longer be penalised for their companions not having the job skill that they do. 

-Critical fix for slavers with a companion losing their gender during an assignment. 

-Fix for unique slaves not showing their aspect descriptions. 

-Fix for some quality attire not boosting the assignment types they should be. 

-Fix for Defending on Coastal Corsairs allowing you to go over the slave cap. Now has some alternate text with increased gold and supply rewards.

-Fix for certain assignment effects persisting onto other assignments when they shouldn't. 

-Fix for your slavers forgetting to bring the slave with them after repicking on Whore Makers. 

-Fix for Witches not being counted as a Very Rare race. 

-Fix for the accompanied by themself message.

-Fix for the Board of the Crossbones success having double beautiful. 

-Fix for some repeated 'the's. 

-Fix for Lay on Hands being shown as Irrepressible. 

-Fix for Tosk's abbreviated traits showing up as incorrect initially. 


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