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It is now September somehow and I'm really not okay with that. 

I'm planning to do the next Direction Polling next week sometime depending on how the rest of the update goes. 

  • No Haven

Got the update out and first hotfix out, or at least part of it. Definitely a couple of issues left with the new accompanying content and Ritual Casting especially. For now I think I can leave it for the finishing off hotfix. 

That is specifically the assignments and the special unique. All the assignments are underway, and I'm currently working on finishing the actual implementation in game for them. 

What I mainly want to talk about this round is the new unique as she is easily going to be the most complex one so far in the game and at this point is mostly done. This wisp prophetess has an truckload of potential effects she can provide with her prophecies. There's also some other dialogues which might have hints for future contents while others will be total nonsense (or will they?), along with maybe providing some insights into some names that might be familiar. She also has commissioned art generously provided by a patron.   

She'll also have some specific encounters based on one of the events which will have content for both dom and sub players. 

  • The No Haven Conversion

Had to happen sometime, but a not so positive update for once. While being able to do such big chunks at once was great, don't get me wrong, and way, way better than what I did with WR. It does though mean that any regular expression mistakes which are far, far to easy to do means I've definitely lost at least some content and broke others that will need to be hunted down and fixed which is going to be entertaining. 

Leaving that aside I am making decent headway through the conditions. 37,217 done and only 12,402 of them to go! Yes, really. So very glad I'm not doing this all manually like I did with WR. 

Theoretically once they're done I can actually make a start on importing all of this work into Twine. 

  • Commissions

The next commission poll will be up tomorrow if all goes to plan. 

Doing an update on these again like I did last time: 

May+June - Cheerleaders: All done, and kreen is definitely best girl. Assignment will be part of the next update and I'm looking forward to see what you make of the very long intro. 
July - Hidden Temple: Was a bit of a delay due to Windows 10 update being a dick to the artist. Thankfully they're back to making good progress. I really like the setup of the way it's laid out and it's had some base colours to work out the lighting which is looking really neat. 
July+August -  Deep Mountains Slave Caravan, Watchtower, and Fake Herald of Paradise: As expected they did indeed win the poll. 
I've reached out to artists for all of them. Did try someone new for the Deep Mountains Slave Caravan, but they turned me down. I'm trying someone else new for that one now. Watchtower the artist I asked has just got back from holiday so call that one a maybe for now. 
However the Fake Herald of Paradise not just has a artist, but it's all fully confirmed. Might even see some colours by the weekend which is a lovely quick turnaround. Seen the lines of the harpy and it's been good progress nailing the exact build I want to go with for this setting for the lower half as well as the top. 
Bonus Commission - Oozes: Fully confirmed and I'm still in the artist's queue. 
Bonus Commission - Discord Assignment: Fully confirmed and based on the quoted timeline I should be seeing some progress on this before the next one of these. 
Bonus Commission - Halt Human Caravan: First part is done which I just love. Holding it for general posting as the second part is still in progress. Did though post a preview on the discord and I've had some good feedback from it. 

I think this might be far the most commissions I've had going on at once which is at both very cool and also kinda hairy. There's another one I'm not ready to talk about and there's some potential a previous artist is keen to do some extras for me. Though they are super busy so when or if that happens is another matter entirely. 

  • Picarto

All of these will be at the usual time of 22:30 BST outside of the odd occasional one where I need to catch up and so start an hour earlier or change the planned day. 

Last Sunday was especially good and resulted in a meme that's ended up being one of the most popular things on the twitter. 

Thur 5th Sep
Fri 6th Sep
Sat 7th Sep
Sun 8th Sep
Mon 9th Sep
Wed 11th Sep (Twine Conversion day)  
Fri 13th Sep
Sat 14th Sep
Sun 15th Sep
Mon 16th Sep
Wed 18th Sep (Twine Conversion day)  

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thanks again for your support!    



Just curious, what was your reason for first choosing to develop your game on RAGS, seems like a really, really obscure and rigid engine.


Oh it's just awful. Absolutely unsuited for pretty much anything. Unfortunately it was the only system I really knew as that was how I got into game development in the first place. I'm currently working now on transitioning to Twine. A system with it's own issues for sure, but one that is a lot more accessible to everyone.


What about Godot or Unity? Seems like they have tutorial projects and samples for pretty much anything. My personal experience with engines without source access/source documentation is that at first everything goes fast and easy but when there is a bug or a problem with the engine itself then the workarounds will eat up all the time saved thrice over.


First I've heard of godot but it does look promising to look into sometime though that I don't know any of the languages it uses I suspect might make it tricky to get to grips with. Honestly I did try unity, though admittedly a good while back now, but a combo of not being able to find guides in the slightest bit similar to what I wanted to do along with not having a proper grounding in coding made it a complete non starter. Twine also has the advantage you can play it on literally anything with a browser which appeals after the hoops I've had to get people to jump through to use RAGS. There's also that I've sunk a lot of time now into at least picking up at least some grasp of the javascript that Twine uses and starting over again with something entirely new to me seems highly unwise.


Use what you know for sure, no point in wasting time reinventing the wheel. If twine works for you that's great, with it being open-source it's already better that 90% of engines where you are flat out of luck when you need to fix a engine problem.