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After MidnightonMars did such a good job with interpreting  the ideas I had for the wisps I decided I had to reach out to them for the No Haven design I had for trolls. Out of all the artists I've dealt with they're one of the best when it comes to working through a collaborative design process. 

Never liked the current troll look or themes, and my main goal was to have them look like all genders of the race were from the same species. Originally the plan was just to have the males look more like the female like I did before with that lovely male portrait by Mavezar. In the end I decided to be more ambitious by tying together some more inspirations into something a bit more new and different. It's amazing I've got the freedom now to not be so wedded to just using what is available out there. 

I hope you like the new look! If all goes well they'll also be doing a companion piece for the Abyss Trolls. Still, it is going to be a gradual process phasing out the old look, and it's going to be a long while until I can justify doing enough troll commissions to replace all the existing ones in the game. 

You can find more of their work here.    

This is probably the biggest redesign I have planned for the current races if you're wondering. Orcs will only need pretty minor changes from the big, muscled and green usual look. Rounded ears and more modest fangs is about it. Driders you'll be seeing soon hopefully with that Scout the City commission. Legion I've included in the polls a couple of times so should get a proper piece eventually. 

Other than that I think it's only Asanei who if I do get round to getting a commission done for them I think I'll give them longer head tentacles rather than the current solid crest along with maybe some patterns on their skin inspired by sea-life.   




Nice! They look good. Kind of a mix of Warcraft and Warhammer with some posture improvements.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Diplomacy - Follow the Dancing Lights - (Two Slavers) - (Four Days) - (Rare) - Extended - Failure (Crit: 5% Suc: 62% Fail: 90% - Roll: 81%) After days of wandering through the dark forest in a near trance led to constantly dance between the thick trees and through rivers and in and out of caves by the dancing lights your slavers struggled to keep up with them before they could follow no longer leaving them completely lost when the lights faded away into the distance. Lacey Lapin - Alluring Competent Second-in-Command - High Morale (90+) - (Per)(Btf) - Lacey was wounded in by walking straight into a tree in their trance. ... I keep getting "Slave Faye ." on nights when Lacey and the puppet-leader are both in the camp. Also, it took me a while to realise that to get Lacey's Toy I just pick Lacey's Toy *without* picking Lacey as my second in command.