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  •  No Haven

Well that slipped a bit. Sorry about that. 

Aiming to get the last hotfix/public release out around Monday, after that I'll be cracking on with the November update for the end of this month.

To quote the direction polling post from last night not, including what gets voted on on, this is what I'm planning to work on.

First absolutely have to do the biomancy improvements I promised a patron I'd do well before now. That will be tied into the first assignment that will be part of the biomancy storyline assignment quest chain. Other than that hypnotic slave mantras and bimbo training have slid twice now they also need to make it in. Ditto some sex text improvements and some of the missing corruptions. I'd also like to do the True Angel assignment though that might slip to December where I think I'm going to do a month of just adding new assignments in general.  
  • Whorelock's Revenge 

Did stick the update up on TFGames eventually. While the reception was about what I expected I did pick up something from a comment I wasn't aware of that should be useful in future projects. 

It's frustrating I'll admit that the RAGS version had such a easier ride when even with the extra content I don't think it's even half as well done. People just seemed to have moved on in what they expect over the last couple of years I guess.

If you like it speak up as otherwise it's likely that after the next two-three updates add the last of the missing RAGS content I'm going to have to seriously think about whether it's worth any more time investment now I'm less reliant on it as streaming fodder. 

  • Commissions 

Witch commission came out, and ended up getting up one more like on here than the Truly Divine one which was not at all what I was expecting. 

Seen both the Wisp haunting sketch and proper lines and I love how it's coming along. Along with being decently hot it's also got the exact kind of humour I was hoping for from the scout the coast commission that alas never quite came out in the final piece I think. 

Never normally share sketches on the discord but for this one I very much had to make an exception. 

  • HMV

So turns out if you do lots and lots of frame by frame masking and your projects frames per second don't match your source the exported vid doesn't come out so good...

It's fixable for the most part, and I don't think it's a total write off given the time spent on it thankfully. Probably not releasing it until December at the earliest though with needing to catch up with No Haven being far more of a priority. 

  • Picarto

Keeping November is No Haven streaming month going as it's been working out so far. Due to me being away for my birthday next stream will be on Sunday which is why I did the extra ones earlier this week. 

22:30 GMT Sun 18th Nov 
22:30 GMT Wed (or Thur) 21st Nov
22:30 GMT Fri 23rd Nov 
22:30 GMT Sat 24th Nov 
22:30 GMT Sun 25th Nov 
22:30 GMT Wed (or Thur) 28th Nov  

As always I hope that was worth the read, and thanks again for your support! 



i like the whorelock's revenge transition to html so good work.


While I love Whorelocks, don't force yourself to work on it. Make it a side project when you need something else to chew on if NH is giving you trouble or something.


Would it be possible to get bimbo/sissy as super negatives?

Hot Bunny (Adult games 18+)

Your adventure dragged me on for a whole week :) Sometimes I ask, what was it? But then, I understand that this is a really interesting game) Thank you)


Would it be possible to use hypnotic mantras on yourself to modify main character's personality? Maybe with possible negative repercussions for being too vulnerable when applying them.


Hadn't planned on it, but it's been suggested on before so it's already on my list of possible things to add.