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Turns out one major issue was preventing a good third of the items from being generated in the chests so there's a bunch more to find from last time. 

Ideally this will be the version that will get released elsewhere if all goes well.



-Rethought how to handle dark spells and imprison escorting to better avoid dead ends.

-Added some additional description and feedback. 

-Added the missing picture for Orc group encounter (Y8)

-Added back the loop for corruption rather than having it be a single try. Also made it so now there’s a chance it will instead trigger your fel-fetters instead, or you can resist it entirely which Iron Fortitude can help with. 

-Readjusted the outfit ratings and made the degradation more impactful if you’re male. 

-Ring gag and the various piercings no longer have the cursed bonding text. Added alternate wording for them for other enchants and curses. 

-Attempted fix for the finding a chest can remove some items issue. 

-Improved and fixed feedback for Dark Pact. 

-Fix for not all of the items being available in the chests that should be there. There should have been about a third more items that weren’t showing up at all. 

-Fix for the constitutionbase error on leaving a room.

-Fix for the imprison escorted and mind control dead ends. 

-Fix for the ‘of the sated’ enchant error. 

-Fix for the paralytic potion causing an imprison in unclaimed areas. 

-Fix for the fur coat and short skirt removal errors.

-Fix for not getting the item perk stats if you had already worn the items before taking them or getting polymorphed

-Fix for an issue with wearing a leotard and harness. 

-Fix for the level up bonus not working correctly with escaping prisons. 

-Fix for Arousal degradation. 

-Fix for Tireless potion adding constitution rather than removing it on wearing off. 



Now I'm getting errors regarding Constitution loss. It seems to keep getting capped at 14 no matter how many items give it bonuses. I've also notices some bugs with the end of potions buffs.


Any chance you can screencap them and send them to me on a message here via imgur? Would really help to track them down


I'm getting black screens when I get subdued this happens seemingly random. Sometimes it's a black screen other times I will get the rollback info but no hyperlink to continue on.


Yeah there's an issue I've found where low intensity encounters are causing that to happen. Aiming to have a fix out today or tomorrow.