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I've got some dedicated watchers who are all deeply awesome people be they there for the work, chat, the videos, or all three. Still it's clear that they are a minority out of all those that do check out my other content. 

Well aware that a livestream of someone working on a smut game while having on music videos set to anime, hentai or whatever in a big window is super, crazy niche. Didn't have any expectations when I started them so I'm just really pleased that anyone at all digs them. 

Then again if I can improve then that's always a good thing, and if not, it might have some interesting results anyway. 

As picarto for its strengths is pretty much non-existent at the analytics side of things so I figured I'd just ask for some feedback. Never hurts to ask, right?

Vote for as many of these as you think apply to you. If you don't think you'd ever be interested then don't feel you need to vote as that's more than fair enough. As mentioned super aware this is totally niche :D

Edit: Oops forgot that one time I did HMV editing. Feel free to leave a comment if you'd like to see more of those, or indeed if you have anything else that you'd like to mention. 


Tom Hourie

Other: I'd watch if my internet DL speeds weren't hot trash


Good point that. I'll admit having decent broadband (most of the time) is something I probably take for granted, and I know some people even with okay connections have issues with Picarto.


Other: I'd watch regularly if I had the time to spare.


Would rather see NH


Unfortunate casualty of my RAGS issues that. Just can't stream while working with RAGS 3 like I could with 2, so that will alas have to wait until I can work on NH in twine.